SEO & Digital Marketing

Top 8 B2B SaaS Marketing Tips in 2024



B2B SaaS marketing tips are the keys to success in the automatized business world.

SaaS (Software as a Service) is a software distribution model in which providers sell their products in cloud-based applications with regular updates. Thanks to the globalisation impact that technology has brought, SaaS gained popularity with its cost-effectiveness and accessibility through an internet browser without any operating system.

SaaS helps businesses operate more efficiently using automatized technology with relatively less human resource expenses.

B2B SaaS refers to companies who provide software to other businesses as a service. They help businesses optimize their sales, improve their performance, and generate more revenue. B2B SaaS is especially helpful for customer success, as nowadays many B2B SaaS companies provide e-commerce companies with successful apps for their customers. And it is even more helpful when you know the best B2B SaaS marketing tips.

Here we will focus on B2B SaaS marketing and give some B2B SaaS marketing tips for 2024. These top marketing tips are significant as efficient marketing tactics are generally different than those for physical product providers.

1. Offer a Free Trial

Free trial is an efficient lead generation tool that influences the visitors’ buying decisions. Free trials help you prove the value you provide for your customers and show how your software can help improve their lives. Getting a user to sign up for a free trial should be the first step in your conversion funnel.

This is particularly important if your main competitors are not offering free trials. But if they are already doing it, you can set the length of your trial according to what your competitors are offering. This will be a significant competitive advantage for you. Also, while advertising your free trial, be confident: You can emphasize that your visitors will want to buy your service after the free trial.

2. Invest in Google Ads – Especially for Desktop Searches

Here is another important one among the B2B SaaS marketing tips. From the industry leaders to small start-ups, most of the SaaS companies rely mainly on Google Ads as a part of their paid acquisition budget and leads. If you deploy a solid strategy in which you regularly optimize your campaigns, Google Ads is one of the most effective tools for your B2B SaaS business.

Even though many B2C brands have shifted into mobile traffic mostly, desktop traffic still drives B2B SaaS. Research shows that most of the traffic for B2B websites -including bounce rate, pages per session, and average session duration- come from desktops rather than mobile devices.

Increasing Google Ads spending for desktop is quite intuitive: many people are busy searching for business software during the workday in front of their computers in contrast with the average consumer who spends time on their mobile devices during their leisure time. So, you should get your Google PPC campaigns optimized for desktop usage.

3. Focus on Customer Retention

We have to mention the customers while the topic is the B2B SaaS marketing tips.

Brands focus too much on customer acquisition. However, customer retention is almost twenty-five times less expensive than acquisition. Customer retention is especially critical for the SaaS industry because B2B customers are usually long-term compared to other industries. Most of the revenue comes from existing customers. So, you should follow a strategy that targets retaining your existing users rather than just acquiring new ones.

For customer retention, you should improve the way you interact with your customers after the first encounter. Satisfying their expectations is essential, you should be clear in your message about what you provide for your users. You should also try to answer every question your users have. Helping your customers to become experts about your services will encourage them to stay loyal to your SaaS brand.

4. Create Engaging Content

B2B SaaS can be a dry area sometimes as businesses discuss technical topics like cloud gateways and algorithms. However, this does not mean that your content is going to be boring. You should think about ways to create engaging content for your customers.

Along with other digital marketing tools, a solid content marketing strategy is something that you should rely on for your brand. This type of a B2B SaaS content marketing strategy will assist you to elevate your brand awareness, reaffirm your market positioning, and make your business an industry thought leader.

SaaS content marketing is an important tool to guide your customers through helpful, insightful resources. So, you should create relatable content that shows your audience how your product works and how it can solve their problems. If you insert real people, as in the case with customer testimonials we will mention above, into your content, you will be more convincing.

5. Work for Increased Searchability

After you design a website with valuable content, you need to make sure that you are getting enough traffic. There are few tips to leverage the traffic of your website:

  • Using relevant keywords in the right place,
  • sharing your content pages, and
  • positioning your keywords against your competitors.

Keywords are still important indicators of your website traffic. You should arrange your keywords such that each page of your website has a specific keyword. It is better if your keyword is frequently used in search engines, has three words or more, and is related to the advantages of your product.

To optimize your keywords for searchability, you can use them in the title, meta description, and at least one headline of the page, and the body of your page text. Incorporating them into the alt texts of images you use is also a good idea.

These steps will increase the searchability of your website and increase web traffic. Once you design your website for increased searchability, you can share relevant content pages on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. Remember to include keywords in your text to increase SEO.

As the last step, you should consider your position compared to your competitors. To rank better than them, you can target your competitors’ branded keywords through Google Ads. Then, direct these prospects to a landing page that showcases why your solution is best. You can use comparative keywords by using conjunctions such as Brand X vs Brand Y in the meta page title and header tags.

6. Present Strong Customer Testimonials

Social references are among the most important selling tools that SaaS companies can utilize. So, you should consider that positive feedback from your customers can leave a significant impact on your business. Another advantage is that asking for customer testimonials is costless compared to professional marketing strategies. Free and genuine.

You can ask some of your best customers to write about the positive experiences they have had with your business before. Asking them to record a short video talking about why they recommend your SaaS company is even better since the video is a great medium for content consumption. Through multiple media channels, testimonial videos will give the marketing message you need.

7. Get Personal and Supportive

Having a face behind your platform contributes greatly to your online presence. You can put faces behind the names of the people on your social media and blog content. It is not only an essential beginning of a welcoming aura but also an opportunity for people to get to know your nimble team.

Especially when we consider that B2B SaaS customers form long-term partnerships, getting personal will make your business more trustworthy for your existing customers. Getting personal should be complemented with great support, if you have the best customer service before and after the sale, it will also enrich the client testimonials mentioned above.

Being personal and supportive will also help you a lot in terms of competition. It is not always pricing that will carry you one step further. Offering more support than your competitors will make people more willing to choose your brand. You should give your customers someone to speak to directly by

  • answering phones,
  • answering social media questions, and
  • support inquiries quickly.

8. Organize Webinars to Engage Warm Audiences

Many SaaS companies had already added webinars to their marketing strategies, but COVID-19 was a significant turning point. Now people have more time to spend on webinars as a part of their job. We can say that webinars are among novel and efficient B2B SaaS marketing tactics if you organize them correctly.

Running webinars for cold audiences -people who are not familiar with your brand or who have not visited your website before- is not very convenient. Many businesses make this mistake on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. However, cold audiences require a lot more convincing before they register for your webinar.

Webinars are ideal for warm audiences -users who have visited your website before, have downloaded your content, or used your free trial but have not purchased your product. It is also cheaper to reach these people. You should present educative and interesting webinar content for these users, as a result, they will probably choose your brand.

Last Words on B2B SaaS Marketing Tips

Even though the marketing process for SaaS is constantly changing following the software technology, there are some basic rules to stick to. The 8 tips mentioned above will generate successful results for your SaaS company even in highly competitive industries if you implement them carefully and regularly.

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