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SEO & Digital Marketing

Should You Develop a Microsite for SEO? Learn Why and How – TopRank® Marketing



If you’re searching for Nike shoes, you might go to and browse. But what if you want to know more about Nike as a company? Say you wanted to research their sustainability commitments and practices before you buy your new kicks. In that case, you can visit and find a whole mini-website dedicated to everything Nike and eco-friendly.

Nike’s sustainability hub is a great example of a microsite. It helps a particular audience explore a single topic, with depth and breadth of coverage. It’s easier for people to find the information they’re looking for and explore related topics, too.

Microsites can be a powerful way for B2B brands to reach specific audiences with specific messages. Here’s what you need to know about microsites for SEO.

Developing a microsite SEO strategy

Microsites have a bad reputation in some SEO circles, and it’s true the technique can come off as spammy or convoluted if it’s not done properly. But the right microsite strategy helps everyone:

  • Improves the user experience
  • Helps people find information easily
  • Highlights topics important to your brand
  • Helps your audience self-select
  • Builds your domain’s authority around a specific area

But let’s start with the basics:

What is a microsite?

A microsite is a small standalone website with a specific focus on a topic, product, campaign, sub-brand or event. They usually have their own subdomain or even a unique url, such as or HubSpot’s Website Grader at

Advantages of microsites for B2B

There are a few key ways that a microsite can improve your site SEO and your customers’ experience:

  1. Targeted content. Microsites are highly focused, which helps attract niche audiences and can boost rankings for long-tail keywords.
  2. Link building. When microsites are crosslinked with the main website, it helps the SEO of both sites.
  3. Enhanced user experience. Microsites encourage users to explore the entire collection of pages, which helps boost time on page, lower bounce rates, and signal to search engines that the content is valuable.
  4. Brand authority. Specialized microsites can establish a brand’s authority on a particular topic, with in-depth content that boosts credibility.

Microsites in action: A case study

A TopRank Marketing client has a solution with two distinct audiences: 

  1. Individual end users, who might purchase a monthly subscription (B2C)
  2. HR leaders, who would purchase a business licenses for their teams (B2B)

It’s easy to see how these two audiences need dramatically different messaging. Trying to reach both with one site was underserving the B2B audience and failing to generate traction.

To better reach the B2B audience, we helped this client develop a microsite focused on the benefits of the solution for teams. We created content aimed at helping this audience, and at  demonstrating the solution’s value.

Ultimately, the microsite helped target the B2B audience more effectively. The site is now ranking in the top 10 for dozens of keywords with B2B-specific intent — a feat that would have been almost impossible without the microsite.

When to create a microsite

Here are a few simple guidelines to help determine whether your audience/message would be best served with a microsite or simply a page on your main site.

  1. You’re launching a new product or campaign. If your latest launch has its own messaging, branding, goals or unique audience, it could benefit from a microsite.
  2. You’re targeting a new audience. As with the B2C/B2B example, a new audience for your brand could use a clean-slate introduction.
  3. You’re testing a new idea or product. Microsites are a good way to soft launch a new service without cluttering the main site.
  4. You’re telling a new brand story. As with Nike’s sustainability site, microsites help tell brand stories beyond the products and services you offer.
  5. You want to optimize for a subset of keywords. If you have your eye on a juicy collection of long-tail keywords, a microsite can help you rank for them.
  6. You have a complex navigation structure on your main site. Convoluted navigation is a bad user experience that can hurt your ranking potential. Microsites are an effective way to get organized.

Developing a microsite SEO strategy

The process for developing a microsite is similar to strategically creating content for your main site, with a few key differences. Follow these steps:

  1. Determine your objectives. Set specific goals for the microsite to accomplish.
  2. Analyze your audience. Make sure it’s unique enough to warrant a microsite, and explore content and keywords related to this particular audience.
  3. Develop your content strategy. Research your keywords as they relate to your audience and refine your topics and subtopics.
  4. Create content. Develop your content with an eye toward specificity, depth of coverage and value for the intended audience.
  5. Optimize for SEO. Meta descriptions, tags, headers and SCHEMA can all help your content get seen.
  6. Publish and promote. Use paid and organic social, influencer activation, and paid search to help launch the site.
  7. Measure and optimize. Keep tabs on your site’s performance and adjust as needed.

Microsite challenges to watch out for

As useful as microsites can be, there are a few challenges you’ll need to meet:

  1. Keeping the site up to date. It can be challenging to manage multiple microsites. Make sure you have the resources to support what you’re creating.
  2. Brand consistency. A microsite should have its own look and feel, but still be recognizable as part of your brand.
  3. Duplicate content. It’s important to not cannibalize your main site for microsite traffic. Make sure all microsite content is original and unique.

A microsite with macro impact

When they’re strategically created, deployed and supported, microsites can be a great way to reach a specific audience or promote a new product, service or campaign. 

A microsite makes it easier to target a specific subset of keywords. This helps the site reach a more relevant audience, which helps search engine algorithms see the value of your content. 

Need help building your own microsite SEO strategy? Our SEO team is on the case.


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SEO & Digital Marketing

How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency with No Experience in



Starting a digital marketing agency with no prior experience might seem like trying to catch lightning in a bottle, but in 2024, it’s not as daunting as it sounds.

As the digital advertising world continues to expand, there’s a golden opportunity for newcomers to make their mark. A report by Statista predicts the global digital advertising market to reach $1.2 trillion by 2027, so it is safe to say that the digital marketing business will grow in the coming years.

Table of Contents

  1. Key Reasons Why You Should Start a Digital Marketing Agency
  2. Why Do Businesses Need a Digital Marketing Agency?
  3. Pros and Cons of Starting a Digital Marketing Agency in 2024
  4. How Much Does It Cost to Start a Digital Marketing Agency?
  5. What Makes a Digital Marketing Agency Profitable?
  6. 9 Key Steps to Start Your Digital Marketing Agency
  7. How Do You Get Your First Digital Marketing Client?

Key Reasons Why You Should Start a Digital Marketing Agency

Growing Demand for Digital Marketing Services

Businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations, are investing more in their online presence. Why? Because that’s where their customers are. Whether it’s social media, search engines, or email marketing, digital platforms are where businesses connect with their audiences.

  • Businesses realize they can’t afford to miss out on the vast online market.
  • You’ll be stepping into a growing industry with plenty of opportunities to capture clients who need your expertise.
  • The global digital ad spend is projected to reach a staggering $870.85 billion by 2027, there’s a chance to ride the wave of this industry’s growth.

Low Startup Costs and High ROI Potential

One of the most appealing aspects of starting a digital marketing agency is the relatively low cost of entry. Unlike other businesses that require significant upfront investments in inventory, real estate, or equipment, a digital marketing agency can be launched with just a computer and internet connection. This makes it an accessible business idea, even for those with limited capital.

What’s more, the return on investment (ROI) can be impressive. With the right strategies, even a small agency can see substantial profits. With selling expertise and results, you can command high fees. This means that with minimal overhead, your earnings potential is significant. Remember: as your client base grows, so does your revenue, making it possible to scale your business and increase profitability.

Flexibility and Remote Work Opportunities

One of the biggest perks of running a digital marketing agency is the flexibility it offers:

  • You can work from anywhere – your home office, a coffee shop or a beach in the Mediterranean are just a few of your options. 
  • You’re not limited to local clients – you can attract and work with clients from all over the world.

Diverse Service Offerings and Niches

Let’s not forget the diversity of services you can offer with your agency.

  • There is a wide range of services that businesses need: SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Management, or PPC advertising just to name a few.

You can also specialize in a niche or focus on a specific industry, like healthcare or eCommerce, or offering specialized services like influencer marketing or email automation. Niching down can make your agency stand out. It can also make you an expert in that particular area, attracting clients who are specifically looking for your type of expertise.

The Ability to Scale

Starting a digital marketing business is both about achieving short term and long term success. As you bring in more clients and revenue, you can expand your team and services, and perhaps enter new markets. Many successful digital marketing agencies started small and gradually scaled their operations.

Why Do Businesses Need a Digital Marketing Agency?

Expertise in Navigating Complex Digital Landscapes

Digital marketing isn’t as simple as posting on social media or sending out a few emails. It’s a complex field with multiple channels – each with its own rules, algorithms, and best practices. This is where digital marketing agencies come in: they bring knowledge and experience to the table to help businesses navigate these complexities.

Cost-Effective Marketing Solutions

Hiring a digital marketing agency can be a cost-effective solution for many businesses. Building an in-house team requires significant investment—not just in salaries but also in training, tools, and ongoing education to keep up with the latest trends. On the other hand, outsourcing to an agency provides access to a whole team of experts without the overhead costs.

  • Agencies ensure that every dollar spent is optimized for maximum impact.
  • They can deliver results that are often more cost-efficient than trying to manage everything internally.

How do Digital Marketing Agencies Help Businesses?

Boosting Online Presence

Agencies know how to get your business noticed. They use SEO, social media, and content marketing to make sure your brand pops up where it matters—right in front of potential customers. With their help, your business doesn’t just exist online; it thrives.

Turning Visitors into Customers

Getting people to your website is just the start. Agencies work their magic with targeted ads, landing pages, and email campaigns that don’t just attract visitors—they convert them into paying customers. More leads, more sales—it’s that simple.

Building a Brand People Love

Agencies shine when creating a strong, consistent brand identity that sticks with people. They help build a customer base that not only recognizes your brand but also keeps coming back.

Managing Business Reputation

A business’s reputation is everything and someone has to monitor online reviews and social media. Agencies step in when things go south to turn potential crises into opportunities. A solid reputation builds trust, and trust drives success.

Pros and Cons of Starting a Digital Marketing Agency in 2024

Obviously, starting a digital marketing agency in 2024 comes with its share of advantages and challenges. To help you weigh the decision, here’s a breakdown of the key pros and cons.


Pros of Starting a Digital Marketing Agency Business

  • High Demand: The demand for digital marketing services is stronger than ever. Businesses across all industries know that to stay competitive, they need a solid online presence. Thus, they look for experts who can help them achieve just that either through SEO, social media, Web design or PPC. This growing need means there’s plenty of opportunity for new agencies to secure clients.
  • Low Startup Costs: Low barrier to entry is one of the biggest advantages if you’re looking to establish an agency. You don’t need upfront investment. 
  • Flexibility: You can work from anywhere, yes. But this flexibility extends to your schedule as well, allowing you to balance work with personal commitments. 
  • Scalability: As you gain more clients and experience, you can expand your services, hire additional staff, and increase your revenue. 
  • Diverse Niches: You can specialize in a particular area and become an expert.

Cons of Starting a Digital Marketing Agency Business with No Experience

  • High Competition: While there’s high demand, there’s also high competition. Thus, to stand out, you need a strong value proposition, effective marketing, and often a niche focus to differentiate your agency from the others in the field.
  • Constant Learning Curve: New tools, platforms, and algorithms are constantly emerging, which means you need to stay updated to remain competitive. This ongoing learning curve can be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to juggle multiple roles within your agency.
  • Client Retention: Attracting clients is one thing; keeping them is another. Client retention can be tough, particularly in an industry where results aren’t always immediate. Without a solid client retention strategy, you might find yourself constantly chasing new businesses, which can be exhausting and unsustainable.
  • Cash Flow Management: Like any business, managing cash flow can be a challenge, especially in the early stages. Clients may pay late, projects might take longer than expected, and unexpected expenses can arise. It’s essential to have a good handle on your finances to avoid cash flow issues. This means careful budgeting, maintaining a financial cushion, and possibly seeking out additional funding if necessary.
  • Pressure to Deliver Results: Clients hire digital marketing professionals because they want results. This places a lot of pressure on you to deliver measurable outcomes, whether it’s increased traffic, leads, or sales. The stakes are high, and failing to meet expectations can lead to unhappy clients and lost business. You must be able to manage this pressure.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Digital Marketing Agency

Indeed, money certainly talks when starting your own digital marketing agency.

Let’s analyze how much to start a digital marketing agency by breaking it down into three key areas:

  • Fundamental costs: Basic startup costs include the primary elements necessary to get your agency off the ground. You will need to register your business, develop a professional website, purchase essential equipment and software, and invest in marketing and branding materials, all of which require an initial cost. 
  •  Ongoing operational costs: Operating a digital marketing agency is an ongoing venture that entails recurring expenses. Salaries and benefits, office space (no need for remote working agencies), utilities, digital marketing tools, marketing and advertising budgets, and insurance coverage are a few of them. These recurring efforts support your agency’s daily operations and client service.
  • Client acquisition costs:  Sales and marketing expenses – attending networking events, advertising, and lead generation efforts – are critical components of client acquisition. Education and training for yourself and your team are also vital, keeping you updated with the digital landscape. Lastly, holding a reserve fund or working capital is a prudent strategy to handle unexpected expenses and sustain financial stability.

What Makes a Digital Marketing Agency Profitable?

Running a profitable digital marketing agency requires more than just getting clients.You need to set up the right strategies to maximize revenue while keeping costs under control.

Effective Pricing Strategies

Setting the right price for your services is crucial. Price too low, and you might struggle to cover your costs; price too high, and you risk losing potential clients. The key is to find a balance that reflects the value you provide while being competitive in the market. There are different digital marketing agency pricing models you can consider for your agency. 

Diversification of Service Offerings

A smart way to attract a diverse client base is to offer a range of services. As you can guess, some clients might need full-service digital marketing, while others might just be looking for specific services like SEO or email marketing. Diversification also opens up cross- selling and upselling opportunities for digital marketing agencies.

Client Retention and Long-Term Contracts

While getting new clients is important, retaining them is where the real profitability lies. Long-term clients provide steady income and reduce the need to constantly chase new business. If you want to achieve long-term success for your agency, this stability is what you need. 

High-Value Client Acquisition

Not all clients are created equal. Some clients will provide a higher return on investment (ROI) than others, so it’s important to focus on acquiring those that can bring the most value to your agency.

9 Key Steps You Should Take to Start Your Digital Marketing Agency

Conduct Market Research

Before you start, it’s important to understand the field you want to establish a firm in. Begin by identifying your target market—who are your ideal clients? Think about the industries they’re in, the size of their businesses, and the specific challenges they face.

Next, take a close look at your competitors. What services do they offer, and how do they price them? Understanding what’s already out there will help you spot opportunities. Is there a particular service that’s in high demand but not well-covered?

Identifying these gaps in the market can reveal where your agency has the best chance to succeed.

Determine The Need For Your Service

As you set out to start your own digital agency business, your first and foremost priority must be ensuring the demand for your services.

In other words, failing to pinpoint a demand for your services can lead you to compete with a limited number of potential clients & target audience, restricting your agency’s growth potential.

At that point, conducting market research like we’ve mentioned above, including compliance and regulatory services like AML verification becomes even more of an important step. Other tips to determine whether there is a need for your service? Here they are:

  • Conduct online surveys and polls to gather feedback from potential clients & target audiences. These insights can guide you in framing custom services that cater to specific needs and preferences. 
  • Explore & follow industry publications penned by authorities in the field of digital marketing.
  • Attend industry events and conferences (online or in-person) to network with other digital marketing professionals.

Specialize in a Particular Niche 

According to B2B Marketing Zone, agencies specialized in a particular niche have a 68% higher win rate for their proposals compared to those with a general focus. That result is not surprising when considering specialization allows marketers to tailor marketing efforts, content, and services to a specific audience, making it easier to resonate with the audience.

Let’s dive into another fact: Many new-age digital marketing agencies will provide similar services in 2024. By carving out a niche, you reduce direct competition, making it more likely that your agency will be the go-to choice for businesses seeking expertise in that area & industry.

Additionally, specialization undoubtedly supports building a bold brand identity and allows your digital agency to become synonymous with expertise in your chosen niche, which can further attract clients seeking those specialized services.

Decide Your Agency Type

Choosing a niche also refers to what kind of agency you will be building up. According to your niche, you can focus exclusively on content marketing, SEO optimization, and creating and distributing high-quality content. Or, if you have the potential and source for social media marketing, you can choose to help your clients build and engage their audiences on social media through organic and paid ads. 

On the other hand, deciding on your agency type ripples throughout your business, shaping your specialization, client base, service offerings, and the entire strategy. The options are diverse, ranging from content marketing agencies, SEO agencies, and social media marketing agencies to more comprehensive full-service digital agencies. It is best to remember your choice should adjust to your expertise, market demand, available resources, and long-term growth opportunities.

Register Your Agency as an Official Business

Let’s jump into a more “serious” phase: Registering your agency as an official business! 

Actually, it is a  foundational step that provides legal and financial structure to your endeavor. It instills trust with clients, offers liability protection, and ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. 

Allow us to be more specific: What are the benefits and responsibilities of being a registered digital agency?

  •  Business name: Pick a unique business name for your digital agency that corresponds with the registration regulations in your jurisdiction. At this point, do not hesitate to check for domain name availability. 
  • Legal structure: Determine the legal structure that best suits your digital agency type – sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), corporation, or another form. Each legal structure holds different taxation, liability protections, and administrative requirements.
  • Taxation: Registering your agency can have tax advantages, allowing you to take advantage of markdowns and tax breaks open to businesses. To track the tax implications specific to your business structure, consider consulting with a tax expert. 
  • Business banking: As a part of taxation and overall financial operations, open a separate business bank account to manage your agency. This simplifies accounting and financial tracking.
  • Permits and regulations: Ensure your business is in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, including any industry-specific requirements like permits, licenses, and adherence to advertising or marketing regulations.

Create Your Official Website and Build Social Media Accounts

An undeniable fact: Setting up an official website plus creating a robust social media strategy is the bread and butter of launching a digital marketing agency. 

In the simplest terms, a website for a startup serves as a digital storefront; the place where potential clients, partners, and customers will stop by first – the brand’s first impression. 

Here are a few great examples of by successful digital agencies’ websites like War Room Inc., and VRRB:


Although both have very different styles, each agency’s website homepage is a creative masterpiece that truly reflects the agency.


And let’s not underestimate the power of social media; building a bold social media presence entitles you to engage with your audience & potential clients, showcase your expertise, and create a community around your brand (you already know all of that.) In other words, having a social media presence like Hootsuite, Buffer, We Are Social and Hubspot means expressing your unique brand personality. 

Pick Your Digital Marketing Tools 

Picking the right tools and putting together a top-notch team is like nailing the one-two punch for any digital agency. 

In the initial stages, it is critical to pinpoint the precise digital marketing skills your agency will have. When you have a total grasp of your service portfolio, you can undertake the process of researching & acquiring the most suitable tools for each task. Since the digital landscape offers a great number of tools for various needs, it is paramount to cherry-pick the ones that align with your requirements and financial limitations. However, we can list some of the best tool choices for your future agency:

  • Communication: Slack, Trello,, Infinity, Skype, Zoom
  • Content & SEO: Grammarly, Semrush, Zutrix, WordPress, Canva
  • Social media: Buffer, SocialPilot, Planly, Intellifluence, Instajet, Semrush
  • Automation: Channable, Adzooma, GetResponse, Justuno,, Bugherd, Ziflow, Copper, Advisr, ConnectorEngine
  • Workflow & operation management: Productive, Screendragon, Height,, Synergist, Teamwork

Build Your Agency Team

It’s time to talk about your future crew! Even though finding the perfect team in the first place is like searching for a needle in a haystack, time and patience will give you what you need. 

The size and composition of your crew depend on the scope of your agency. However, there are main roles (such as CMO, digital marketer, content writer, social media manager, and SEO specialist) to be filled to ensure your agency’s success. 

At that point, we recommend you remember building a team is not a matter of checking off roles from a list. It’s actually bringing together individuals who genuinely thrive on digital marketing. These team players are expected to bring the necessary skills, ambition & experience to the table and excel in communication and collaboration.

Your team is the foundation of your agency, so you need to assemble it carefully. Once your team is in place, we recommend you create a Meet the Team page on your website. This page will humanize your brand and let potential clients connect with the people behind the work. It is also the best way to highlight your team’s talent and diversity. These features build trust and credibility with clients even before they reach out to your agency.

Seed Agency’s team page is a great example to inspire your own. What stands out is how Seed shows they truly value their team with a heartwarming statement: ‘People are everything.’


Continuously Optimize and Scale Your Operations

Starting your own digital marketing agency is a big achievement, but it’s just the beginning of the journey. Think of it like planting a seed—it needs care, attention, and the right conditions to grow. Your agency works the same way. Regularly reviewing how things are running helps you spot what’s working and what’s not. This is your chance to tweak and improve, whether it’s how you manage projects, the tools you use, or the services you offer.

Why is this continuous optimization so important?

Simple: digital marketing is a dynamic field and changes almost every day; what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

As your agency grows, scaling becomes the next natural step. Maybe that means adding new services, bringing on more team members, or reaching out to a broader client base. Scaling isn’t about getting bigger for the sake of it—it’s about growing in a way that’s sustainable and aligned with your goals.

How Do You Get Your First Digital Marketing Client?

We need to accept that getting your first client just after starting your digital agency is often the most challenging step in the process. As you gain experience and build a portfolio of successful cases, your agency’s reputation will grow, making it easier to attract new clients. But until then, persistence is key. 

While doing so, you can follow these steps and ‘tick’ them off as you go:

  • Take advantage of online ads: Create targeted Google Ads & social media campaigns for keywords like “digital marketing services” or “online marketing agency.” Ensure your ads include a compelling call-to-action and a link to a dedicated landing page on your website.
  • Optimize your existing network: If you have experience in the realm of digital marketing, reach out to your former colleagues or acquaintances who own businesses. Offer to check their current digital marketing strategy or deliver a free consultation. The relationship you already have can lead to trust and potentially a client.
  • Try cold outreach: In case your team is experienced in websites, identify local businesses with outdated websites & poor online presence. Send personalized emails offering a free website audit or suggesting improvements. Explain how your expertise can boost their business. 
  • Offer introductory discounts: In your initial client meetings, provide a particular introductory rate for the first three months of service. This can incentivize businesses to take a chance on your agency.
  • Leverage local SEO: It’s quite important! Optimize your official website for local SEO to attract nearby businesses even though you’re working remotely. This can be particularly effective if you’re targeting a local client base.
  • Be active on online marketplaces: Register your agency on freelance and job marketplaces like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. These platforms can be a source of initial clients.


Starting a digital marketing agency in 2024 might seem challenging, especially if you’re new to the field. But with the right digital marketing business plan, a dedicated team, and a focus on delivering value to clients, success is within reach.

Remember, every expert started as a beginner. Now that you’ve got the knowledge and tools, it’s time to take the first step and build your agency. 

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SEO & Digital Marketing

The Big Guide to Organic Social Media Marketing – TopRank® Marketing



Do you want to be the Dollar Shave Club of B2B marketing on social media? In a market filled with countless razor companies, the brand found a way to stand out, building a strong online community and achieving significant growth without relying primarily on paid advertising. 

Notice how I said “without relying primarily on paid advertising.” That’s because, while paid is a practical option, it should be used primarily to complement your organic strategy. 

If you’re a savvy marketer, you’ve likely noticed how the majority of social platforms have become increasingly pay-to-play, reducing the reach of posts without the backing of funds. That doesn’t mean you need to jump straight into unloading your ad dollars. Instead, you should consider taking an approach similar to the B2C brand above, and create a strategy that’s data-driven, innovative, and most importantly, differentiated. 

What is organic social media marketing and why is it important?

Organic social media marketing uses unpaid strategies to build and engage with an audience on social media platforms. Simply put, you’re leveraging social media platforms to interact with and reach your audience without spending any money.

Anyone can advertise on social media (have you seen these wacky ads on X?), but not everyone will find success – at least not in the long-term, and not without a well thought out plan of action for organic social media.  

This plan should focus on creating authentic interactions and meaningful engagement, and showcasing your brand’s unique perspective. If you invest time in building the foundation of your organic strategy, your brand will flourish and reach its KPIs (key performance indicators). 

How to build an organic social media strategy

1. Define your goals and objectives

What do you want to achieve on social media? Your social media objectives should match up with your business goals. 

For example, if you want to increase brand awareness, your social media goal might be to increase followers and increase reach and engagement. Be sure to get specific with the goals you want your social media effort to help you achieve, like improving brand loyalty, generating leads, or increasing the number of users who visit your website. 

Once you’ve defined your goals, you’ll want to decide how you’re going to measure them. We recommend using the SMART framework: (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Adhering to these criteria will ensure clarity, focus, and measurable outcomes, which will in turn improve accountability and resource allocation. 

2. Identify and understand your target audience

Who is your target audience? We’re talking about the folks who are most likely interested in your products or services. 

For example, a company like Ben and Jerry’s is likely targeting those who identify as sweet tooth enthusiasts over highly cost-conscious consumers (let it be known that I’m a fan of Americone Dream). But they don’t just know who to target by chance; no, they’ve most certainly done their research. According to HubSpot, 82% of marketers say having high-quality data on their target audience is important to succeeding. 

Getting your audience data likely won’t be too much different than how these northeastern purveyors of ice cream get theirs. Conduct your research by utilizing tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, surveys, and industry reports. (Unfortunately, you likely won’t be doing any taste testing.) 

To take your audience analysis a step further, you can create personas based on demographics, interests, and pain points. Having this information will help you further down the road when it’s time to create content and engagement strategies. As Gary Vaynerchuk said: “Content is king, but context is God. If you don’t understand your audience, you can’t create the right context for your content to be relevant and impactful.” Keep this in mind as you develop your strategy.

3. Choose the right platforms

How you choose your social media platforms will depend on one question: which ones do your audience use the most? 

You’re unlikely to see Fruit by the Foot advertising on LinkedIn or Lockheed Martin on TikTok because their audiences aren’t there – or at least not with a contextually relevant mindset. To ensure you’re reaching your audience where they are, you can analyze your competition’s social activity. But don’t just leave it up to that. You’re going to want to use GA4 to track referral traffic from different platforms, employ social listening tools to monitor industry conversation and brand mentions, and dig into engagement metrics to determine where your content performs the best. 

While every brand is going to have a different approach, we would be remiss if we didn’t recommend LinkedIn for most B2B brands. We’re not alone in this assessment, either. A recent survey from Content Marketing Institute found that 84% of marketers said the platform delivered the best value for their organization. 

However, every brand is different; you must let your research be your guiding star for deciding which platforms to use and which ones to keep in mind for a later date. At this time, the “big five” are all viable options:

  • LinkedIn: Connect with other businesses, industry leaders, and professionals. LinkedIn is responsible for 80% of B2B leads generated through social media.
  • Twitter/X: Share industry news, engage with thought leaders, and participate in relevant hashtags and discussions. 66% of brands are on Twitter/X.
  • Facebook: Useful for building brand awareness and engaging with a broader audience. Business decision-makers spend 74% more time on the platform than average users.
  • YouTube: Demonstrate products, share expertise, and engage with potential clients through tutorials, case studies, and more. 93% of brands gained a new customer due to a video on social media.
  • Instagram: Showcase culture and products through images and stories. Instagram has about 2 billion monthly users and is the preferred platform of younger audiences.

Be sure to choose your channel or channels wisely if your budget and resources are limited. According to TopRank’s Josh Nite, “It’s best to post more fitting content to fewer channels than to spread yourself too thin posting everywhere.”

4. Develop a content strategy & create engaging content

Now that you know who your audience is and where they are, it’s time to figure out what type of content you’ll be sharing and how often. 

To be frank, you can’t create and publish just anything at any given time and expect positive results. Much like anything else, you need a content plan. As our friend and author, Jay Baer put it, “Content is fire, social media is gasoline. A well-crafted social media content strategy accelerates your message, amplifies your reach, and ignites deeper engagement.” You put a lot of work into building your fire, so keep it aflame by putting the same amount of effort into your master social plan. 

Start your content strategy by going back to the data you pulled earlier as these insights can guide your approach. Use this information to create a content calendar, making sure to balance it with different content such as videos, infographics, third-party news, and so on. You’ll want to ensure your posting schedule is consistent, and that your content is valuable and thematic. The value will help people recall why they’re returning, and the thematic recurring content will train them when to return. 

Regardless of your choice of social media sites, you’ll need to utilize one or more of the many available tools to assist in getting your content published and seen. And while LinkedIn, Later, Sprout Social, and Sprinklr are all fantastic solutions, your choice should be made based on your budget, goals, and amount of resources.

5. Engage with your audience

Imagine this: You’re at a social networking event and you’re just standing there blurting out the occasional remark like, “I’m a really great guy,” “I tell the best stories,” “Please buy my book!,” etc. You’re not actually conversing with anyone, and they’ve noticed you, but they’re not interested. In fact, they’re leaving to hang out with Ted, the cool new guy from accounting.  

This is, effectively, what many brands are doing on social media. They have an audience but they’re not effectively engaging with them, which isn’t great for how they’re perceived. Customers can take this as a sign to unfollow or never attempt to engage with the brand again. You need to talk to your audience, not at them.

Interacting with your audience isn’t just meant for customer service inquiries; it’s a tactic for fostering a sense of community, improving brand loyalty and brand reputation, boosting conversion rates, and increasing your follower count. To put it simply, engaging with your audience drives … engagement. 

According to a report by Social Media Examiner, brands that reply to comments on their social media posts see a 40% increase in engagement compared to those that don’t. That alone would be enough for most brands to ensure audience engagement is a part of their organic social efforts.

6. Report and optimize for best results

Is your brand succeeding on social media? Think of it like your health. Just as you go to the doctor for a status report on your body and mind, you should regularly check your social accounts using the tools above for a social “health check.”

The benchmarks set early on in your social program are like baselines set by your primary care provider. Use these benchmarks to track progress, identify what’s working, and eliminate ineffective strategies to shape your program into a high-performance machine. Sprinklr recommends tracking the following categories of social media metrics:

  • Social media marketing metrics
  • Social media engagement metrics
  • Social media conversion metrics
  • Social media customer service metrics
  • Social media ROI metrics

Determine how often to report on these KPIs: weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually are all popular timeframes to gather data, but your choice will depend on several factors including, campaign goals, content volume, and algorithm updates, just to name a few.

Perhaps it goes without saying, but this data must be taken from your reporting platform, organized, and saved for future reference. There’s no telling if the data will always be available, and you never know if a client will ask about a campaign from when Obama was still in office. 

Tips for organic social media reach and engagement

Consider the advice below to supercharge your organic social media efforts:

    • Switch up your content by platform: 69% of B2B marketers say that tailoring content to specific social media platforms results in better engagement and ROI.
    • Engage with your employees: Employees who share company content on social media can increase the reach of that content by up to 561%.
    • Share user generated content: Customer engagement is 28% higher when using UGC compared to content that was professionally created by experts. 
  • Make video part of your strategy: Viewers can retain up to 95% of the information conveyed through video.
    • Don’t forget your hashtags: 72% of marketers agree. Using trending hashtags makes an impact on content reach.
    • Stay active and consistent: Companies that post weekly on LinkedIn, for example, see a 2x lift in engagement with their content.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for engagement: Ask questions and be human! 
  • Tag your “friends”: This will signal the algorithms to boost your post. Also, a way to bring in new audiences. Partnering with influencers can help you do this in an authentic, targeted way.

What’s next for your organic social strategy?

Are you ready to advance your organic social efforts? Assess the three B’s with your team: bandwidth, budget, and business goals. Ensure you have a strategic vision with clear objectives to achieve positive results. 

Creating and maintaining your brand’s digital footprint requires more work than many realize. It’s no wonder many organizations make the strategic decision to outsource certain marketing functions to scale their efforts without incurring the costs of an in-house team.

Could your organization use a helping hand? Contact us today about our marketing strategy and planning solutions.


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SEO & Digital Marketing

Top 8 Upwork Alternatives to Hire Your Dream Agency 



Upwork has long been a go-to for businesses seeking freelance talent and agencies, but it’s not the only option available, obviously

Several Upwork alternatives offer specialized services, diverse talent pools, and unique features that might be better suited to your specific needs. These platforms often provide more focused search capabilities, advanced vetting processes, and enhanced user experiences tailored to businesses seeking top-tier agencies. Some alternatives excel in industry-specific expertise, while others offer more detailed agency profiles, client reviews, and transparent pricing models, helping you find the perfect match for your project requirements.

In the end, it’s important to keep the following key considerations in mind:

  • Focus on platforms that connect you with agency-level expertise.
  • Look for detailed profiles, authentic reviews, and case studies.
  • Choose platforms with clear pricing.
  • Opt for smart algorithms that ensure the perfect agency match.
  • Prioritize user-friendly platforms with simple vetting processes.
  • Value platforms offer helpful content and resources.

If you are ready, let’s explore the top 8 Upwork alternatives and understand how each of them can help you hire the perfect agency for your business.

1.DAN Marketplace

Digital Agency Network Marketplace is a specialized platform designed specifically for connecting businesses with digital agencies; and guess what? It’s better than Upwork. 

Unlike broader freelance platforms, DAN’s digital agency marketplace focuses exclusively on agency-level services, making it an excellent choice for businesses needing comprehensive digital marketing solutions or specialized expertise in areas like web development, branding, and SEO.

Why Is It a Good Choice? 

With nearly a decade of experience in connecting brands with top digital agencies, our platform offers a meticulously curated selection of over 3,300 proven agencies from around the globe. 

📌 Keep in mind that the higher the number of agencies, the more challenging the selection process, as the high volume means they don’t limit their listings to only the top agencies.

At DAN, we only approve agencies with a proven track record.


Whether you need expertise in digital marketing, web development, branding, or any other specialized service, our platform connects you with agencies that can deliver tailored solutions to meet your specific business needs.

Our platform stands out by providing detailed agency profiles, authentic client reviews, transparent ratings, and case studies, allowing businesses to make informed decisions with confidence. 


Unlike other platforms such as Clutch or Sortlist, DAN Marketplace is designed to ensure that every agency you connect with is a 100% suitable match for your project, thanks to DAN’s smart algorithm and immaculate filters, offering tailored solutions that elevate your brand to the next level.


As a digital agency network, our primary aim is to focus solely on agency-level expertise. We partner you with a team of professionals who can deliver comprehensive, results-driven solutions tailored to your business objectives.

With the ability to request quotes, access detailed listings, and vet agencies through client feedback, DAN Marketplace makes it easier than ever to find the perfect agency for your needs.

Whether you’re looking to launch a new brand, improve your online presence, or execute a complex digital campaign, at DAN Marketplace, you can find your new partner in crime, as you’ll steal others’ shine. 

We also regularly share valuable content—insightful blog posts, guides, case studies, and resources covering digital marketing, web development, branding, and more. 

dan blog and case studies


Fiverr is one of the most well-known Upork alternatives. 

It has evolved from its origins as a platform for $5 gigs into a comprehensive marketplace where businesses can hire agencies and freelancers.

Today, Fiverr offers everything from digital marketing and graphic design to video production and programming. 


Why Is It a Good Choice? 

Fiverr’s gig-based system allows businesses to quickly compare service packages and choose the best option for their needs, making it a flexible Upwork alternative. 

Whether you need a one-off project or ongoing support, Fiverr offers a wide range of agencies and professionals ready to take on your business challenges.

3. Clutch

Clutch is among the other sites alternative to Upwork to find an agency. It features ratings of B2B service providers, including digital agencies, and covers various industries and services, from IT and marketing to design and development.


Why Is It a Good Choice? 

Clutch’s reviews and ratings make it easier to find reputable agencies. The platform allows you to filter search results based on your specific needs, such as industry focus, service offerings, and client feedback. They also provide verified client testimonials, case studies, and detailed agency profiles, besides numerous other resources

4.  Sortlist

Sortlist is a B2B matchmaking platform that helps businesses connect with agencies across various specialties, including digital marketing, branding, web development, and more. The platform focuses on creating tailored matches between companies and agencies based on specific project requirements.


Why Is It a Good Choice?

Sortlist is a strong Upwork competitor for businesses that need to find specialized agencies capable of handling complex and niche projects. 

With detailed agency profiles, client reviews, and a streamlined quote request process, Sortlist simplifies the agency hiring process, making it a strong alternative to Upwork for businesses looking to make informed decisions when choosing their next agency partner. They also have a resources section containing blogs, data, research, and stories, which is a good indicator if a platform truly understands the essence of the digital world.

5.Agency Spotter

Agency Spotter connects businesses with creative agencies across various disciplines, including advertising, branding, digital marketing, and design. The platform offers detailed agency profiles, ratings, and reviews.

agency spotter

Why Is It a Good Choice? 

Agency Spotter is particularly useful for businesses looking to partner with creative agencies.

The platform allows you to search and compare agencies based on factors such as location, industry expertise, and client ratings. Agency Spotter’s focus on creative services makes it a strong alternative for businesses seeking specialized expertise.

6. DesignRush

DesignRush is a B2B marketplace that connects brands with agencies specializing in digital marketing, web development, branding, and more. The platform features rankings of the best agencies across different categories and industries.


Why Is It a Good Choice?

DesignRush is a great resource for businesses looking to find top-rated agencies in specific areas of expertise. The platform’s rankings and detailed agency profiles help you quickly identify and connect with agencies that match your project requirements. 

DesignRush also shares industry trends, news, and blogs, which can be helpful when trying to understand the ecosystem.


7. Bark

Bark is a services marketplace that connects businesses with professionals across various sectors, including digital marketing, web development, and creative services. While Bark does cater to freelancers, it also has a strong presence of agencies offering comprehensive services to businesses.


Why Is It a Good Choice?

Bark stands out as an Upwork alternative for businesses that want to explore a broad range of service providers, including specialized agencies. 

The platform allows you to request quotes from multiple agencies, compare their offerings, and choose the best fit for your project. Bark’s focus on quality and customer satisfaction makes it a viable option for businesses looking to partner with professional agencies that can deliver results.

8. UpCity

UpCity is another platform that connects businesses with digital marketing agencies, web developers, and other professional service providers. UpCity offers a wide range of categories, making it easier for businesses to find agencies that specialize in their industry.


Why Is It a Good Choice?
UpCity’s detailed agency listings and user reviews provide businesses with the information they need to make informed decisions. The platform’s transparency in pricing and services also helps businesses compare agencies more effectively. 

For companies looking for websites like Upwork that offer a broader range of services, UpCity is a great option to consider.

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