SEO & Digital Marketing

Popular Digital Agency Job Titles for Your Consideration in 2024



Almost a decade ago, there weren’t any job titles such as Content Creator and Social Media Manager. The Internet’s unstoppable rise and social media platforms’ explosion have led to a new era.

Traditional marketing tools like television, newspaper advertising, or billboards are still in practice, but the existence of the Internet has introduced both consumers and brands to digital marketing. The number of digital agencies has gradually increased, and new digital agency job titles and positions have become available.

Digital marketing has become popular on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Specific aspects of traditional marketing have shifted. Companies began to promote their products or services on social media channels. Customers’ habits started to change rapidly, and digital agencies began to develop strategies to respond to them with suitable people hired for their new digital marketing agency roles.

Internet and social media’s existence triggered content marketing. Unlike aggressive sales in traditional marketing, content marketing aims to create awareness and draw customers’ attention by raising interest through blogs, social media posts, and newsletters.

To be effective, marketers collaborate with market analysts to define target audiences and consumer needs. Then they use social media platforms and SEO/SEM to spread their brand messages and educate their consumers.

We can group agencies into two broad categories: full-service agencies and specialized agencies. They branch off of their specialization such as branding agency, digital agency, design-focused agency, social media agency, direct marketing agency, etc.

Digital marketing may now seem superior to print-based techniques, but the core principles and skills remain the same. If you plan to apply for a digital agency position, you need to spare some time to review your skills. By this means, you can emphasize the ones you have in your resume or cover letter.

Anyone who has a degree in marketing, communications, or something similar, and passion for data can apply for digital agency jobs. If you think you have good communication and writing skills, experience in analytics, an interest in copywriting, and an understanding of how brand and design go hand in hand, the digital marketing field might be suitable for you.

Job specifications vary based on industries, but mainly you will be expected to spend your time creating and managing online campaigns, running paid ads, or managing social media accounts.

Here are the six skills you should be sharpening before you send out your CVs:

SEO is a complex science, increasingly intertwined with AI to revolutionize how we optimize for search engines. AI enhances SEO strategies through predictive analytics and automated content optimization, enabling more personalized and effective search experiences. You should be familiar with monitoring tools, structured data, voice search, and mobile search optimization. Knowing the benefits and practices of SEO will make you a better digital marketer and teammate, as AI-driven insights offer new ways to understand and engage your audience. 

Content is still king, now more than ever, as AI technologies offer unprecedented ways to tailor and enhance content for specific audiences, making it more engaging and effective. The content job is evolving rapidly, with companies on the lookout for individuals who can deliver creative and engaging content that leverages these advancements. As your proficiency with content grows, so does your SEO prowess, further fueled by AI’s ability to optimize for search engines automatically. If you can produce compelling content and market it wisely, incorporating AI-driven insights, the likelihood of it going viral significantly increases.

You shouldn’t ignore the massive impact that social media has on the Internet and digital marketing jobs. Social media is the center of attraction and interaction for people. They use it for both browsing and shopping. With over 5.04 billion users worldwide as of the start of 2024, its influence continues to grow, highlighting the necessity for focused efforts in community management, customer service, and engagement with ephemeral content. 

Every day, millions of people watch videos online. Video is the last frontier technology trend to keep up with. Learning hardware, basic techniques of filming, especially live streaming video and getting to know editing programs are important. After you market your video on social media channels, you should adjust the video meta tags, descriptions, and titling. These are helpful for your video to be seen.

A marketer should track key metrics to get the idea of what they could be doing better and how. You should focus on expanding your knowledge beyond Google suite. For example, you can learn how to analyze eCommerce statistics and be ready for The Internet of Things.

Prompt engineering involves crafting queries that effectively communicate tasks to AI systems, optimizing the AI’s responses for tasks such as content creation, SEO optimization, and targeted marketing strategies. This skill is becoming increasingly important as more digital agencies incorporate AI into their workflows to enhance creativity, efficiency, and personalization.

If you ever consider applying for a digital agency job, you can watch marketing platform Marketing 360’s 7-step career advice video below.

Digital Agency Job Titles

The most wanted and popular digital agency job titles that digital agencies are hiring for are as follows:

Content Marketing Jobs

Content marketing roles have been becoming more and more crucial for brands, as consumers tend to act according to content creators’ suggestions. Let’s see which key roles are waiting for you int he world of content:

Content Strategist:

Content Strategists make plans that fit a brand’s goals and what its audience wants. They research to find the best content ideas, learn what the audience likes, and follow market trends to build a detailed plan for different kinds of content across many places. Their smart planning makes sure the content not only grabs and keeps the audience’s attention but also encourages them to engage and take action.


Copywriters are the creative force behind creating content. They write engaging text that connects with the people they want to reach. They create various types of short-form content like emails, ad copies, landing pages, and social media updates. With their skills in writing clearly and convincingly, they manage to grab the audience’s attention and share the brand’s message.

If you want to learn more about becoming a copywriter, especially without previous experience, check out Alex Cattoni’s video about it:

Content Manager:

Content Managers handle the whole process of content strategy, taking care of content from when it’s made to when it’s shared and more. They work with writers, designers, and others to make sure the content is top-notch, fits the brand’s style, and is good for search engines. They are in charge of planning when to share content, actually sharing it, and looking at how well it does to get the most out of it.

Content Editor:

Content Editors are in charge of making sure content is clear, engaging, and free from grammar errors. They collaborate with writers and other content creators, offering suggestions and changes to enhance articles, blog posts, and other written works. Their detailed attention and strong command of language play a crucial role in raising the overall quality of the content. This ensures that the final product is not only enjoyable to read but also effectively communicates its intended message to the audience.

SEO Content Writer:

SEO Content Writers focus on writing content that both appeals to readers and ranks well in search engines. They use SEO techniques, such as using the right keywords and meta tags, to make sure the content shows up higher in search results. Their ability to mix these SEO elements with interesting stories is crucial for drawing in visitors naturally and keeping them interested.

SEO Jobs

SEO jobs ensure that websites are visible to people and search engines and rank highly. Here are the main SEO jobs to conquer search engine algorithms:

SEO Analyst:

An SEO Analyst job includes doing detailed research on the market to spot trends and find the right keywords that match what people are searching for. They also look at what competitor websites are doing well or not so well to figure out how to be more competitive. Part of their work is checking the website carefully, looking at how it’s built, the quality of the content, and how easy it is for users, to find ways to make it better. Their ability to analyze data, like website visits and how well the website ranks using tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush, is crucial.

SEO Manager:

An SEO Manager is in charge of creating and putting into action SEO plans, making sure that the best SEO practices are applied to all online content. This helps the website show up better in search results organically. Working closely with different teams, the SEO Manager makes sure that SEO is a part of content-making, website-building, and marketing plans, helping to meet the goals listed in an agency business plan. They set clear targets for the SEO team and adjust plans as needed based on changes in the online marketing world. They also keep track of how well the strategies are working and share updates with important people in the agency, helping the agency grow steadily and stay on track with its long-term business goals.

SEO Link Builder:

SEO Link Builders are experts at creating and carrying out plans to get links from other websites, which is a big part of improving a website’s standing on search engines outside of its own pages. They look for chances to get good links from trustworthy websites, which can really help a website become more respected and rank higher in search results. Their skill in making connections with others and getting agreements for these links to be placed is crucial for making SEO work well.

Before continuing with the next section, we suggest watching the video below about becoming an SEO:

Digital Marketing Jobs

Digital marketing jobs listed below are all about maximizing online presence and connecting effectively with target audiences:

Digital Marketing Consultant:

Digital Marketing Consultants are knowledgeable about how different social media platforms and digital channels work together and how to leverage these connections for successful marketing. These consultants are skilled at analyzing data and using analytics tools to evaluate a company’s marketing efforts. A comprehensive guide has been created to outline for Digital Marketing Consultant job description.

Digital Marketing Specialist:

Digital Marketing Specialist is responsible for designing and running ad campaigns that not only match but also boost what a marketing agency offers, making sure every service is used to its fullest to hit client goals. They thoroughly research the market, stay updated on trends, and analyze data to improve strategies. Their goal is to enhance campaign effectiveness and maximize return on investment. Digital Marketing Specialists work closely with clients, getting to know their specific needs, and tailor solutions from the marketing agency services list to get the desired outcomes.

Real stories are always much better than generalized thoughts. Here’s one of the real stories of becoming a digital marketing specialist:

Digital Project Manager:

Digital Project Managers ensure complicated tasks are finished on time, stay within budget, and meet high-quality standards. They work with various teams, manage resources, and handle any project issues, using agile methods to adjust to new needs. Their leadership is essential for bringing digital ideas to life, whether it’s redesigning a website or launching digital marketing efforts, all aimed at achieving business goals.

Digital Account Executive:

The main responsibility of Digital Account Executives is building strong relationships and providing digital strategies that match client objectives. Combining creative insight with strategic planning, they help navigate clients through the digital world, suggesting customized marketing strategies, creative projects, and digital solutions that promote growth, increase engagement, and improve returns on investment.

User Experience and Design Jobs

User Experience and Design roles are about developing intuitive, engaging, and effective digital products and services. Below, you can learn more about them:

UX/UI Designer:

Designing digital experiences that are centered around the user, and making sure that websites and mobile apps are not just good-looking but also user-friendly and easy to navigate are among the main tasks of a UX/UI Designer. They rely on user research, creative design processes, and prototypes to create interfaces that meet both the users’ needs and business objectives. Their work is essential for making digital products that people find satisfying and keep coming back to, which is good for the business.

After learning this introductory information about becoming a UX/UI designer, here’s a first-hand experience for your review before deciding to focus on this field:

Digital Art Director:

Digital Art Directors are in charge of setting the creative direction for digital projects, guiding them from the idea stage to completion. They work with a team of designers, writers, and marketers to create visual content that captures the audience’s attention online. Watching design trends and really understanding online media to ensure all creative work matches the brand’s look and marketing aims, making the brand stand out and do well online is also among their responsibilities.

Interaction Designer:

Interaction Designers focus on crafting engaging user interfaces with thoughtful interactions. They pay attention to the way people use digital products, aiming to make these interactions as natural and intuitive as possible. By conducting user tests and gathering feedback, they continuously improve products to make them more user-friendly and enjoyable. Their role is crucial in making sure digital products meet users’ needs effectively and seamlessly.

Product Designer:

Product Designers are responsible for the overall design and development of digital products. They combine UX/UI design principles with market research to create products that not only look great but also solve a specific problem or meet market needs. Their role involves understanding user behavior, designing the product architecture, and collaborating with developers to bring the product to life.

UX Researcher:

UX Researchers collect valuable insights about what users need, how they behave, and what motivates them. This information is vital for informing the design process, ensuring that products are designed with the user in mind. Their efforts guarantee that product development is based on solid user insights, leading to products that are more aligned with user needs and preferences, thereby increasing their success and user satisfaction.

Social Media Jobs

Social Media jobs are the newest members of digital marketing jobs. Here is what it takes to play a role in this world:

Social Media Manager:

Social Media Managers strategize and execute social media campaigns to boost a brand’s online presence, connect with followers, and encourage growth on social platforms. They know how to create content, interact with the community, and use data to tailor strategies to each social media site’s unique qualities, aiming to increase visibility and engagement. Their work is crucial for building and keeping an active and loyal online community, promoting support for the brand, and making social media a key tool for marketing and communication.

Here’s a beginner-friendly guide to becoming a social media manager:

Social Media Analyst:

Social Media Analysts concentrate on the numbers side of social media marketing. They keep an eye on, analyze, and report how well campaigns are doing, what the audience likes, and how people interact with content. By looking into data from social media sites, they gather important information on what users want, how effective campaigns are, and where there’s room for improvement. Their analysis is essential for making choices based on facts that can make social media efforts more effective and profitable.

Influencer Marketing Specialist:

Influencer Marketing Specialists focus on building and maintaining connections between a brand and influencers. They look for influencers whose image and followers match the brand’s target audience. Through setting up and managing deals with influencers, they use the influencer’s trust and audience to promote the brand. This helps the brand reach more people and increase engagement with content that feels genuine and influential.

Content Creator:

Content Creators focus on making content that grabs and keeps the attention of social media users. They work closely with Social Media Managers to plan out content and make posts that hit the right note with their audience, including videos, pictures, and text. Their creative skills and knowledge of what’s popular on social media are key to drawing in viewers and keeping them engaged.

For more information in detail, we share a YouTube video below made by a content creator with hundreds of thousands of followers explaining how to become content creator in 2024:

Community Manager:

Community Managers are crucial for looking after a brand’s social media communities. They talk to followers, answer questions, and guide conversations to create a welcoming and active online space. Their work in building and engaging communities is vital for keeping an online community supportive and active, increasing brand loyalty, and getting useful feedback for the brand.

Social Media Strategist:

Social Media Strategists plan out detailed social media strategies that support the brand’s broader marketing aims. They look at what competitors are doing, figure out who the brand should be talking to, and decide the best ways and places to reach them online. By setting goals, choosing the right ways to measure success, and adjusting strategies based on how well they’re working, they help make sure that the brand’s social media work really pays off.

Public Relations Jobs

What has changed with the transition from traditional PR jobs to the ones in digital marketing?

PR Coordinator:

PR Coordinators are experts at managing and improving a brand’s public image and reputation through well-planned communication and relationships with the media. They create press releases, work with media outlets, and set up promotional events to get positive attention. Their ability to navigate the media world, build strong connections with important people, and create stories that the public likes and that support the brand is key.

Media Relations Specialist:

Media Relations Specialists are dedicated to creating and keeping up good relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers in the right fields. They handle all media questions, suggest story ideas, and get media coverage to raise the brand’s visibility. Their skill in networking with the media and their communication abilities are vital for managing the brand’s presence in the media and getting good press.

Communications Director:

Communications Directors are in charge of the whole communication strategy of an organization, covering both internal and external communications. They guide the creation of plans that clearly share the company’s goals, vision, and values with different groups. Their job includes overseeing corporate communications, brand messages, and interactions with stakeholders, making sure the brand is seen in a consistent and positive way.

Event Marketing Specialist:

Event Marketing Specialists organize and carry out events that highlight the brand, like product launches, press conferences, and promotional activities. They ensure these events are in line with the brand’s PR and marketing strategies. Their tasks involve planning, organizing, and running events, as well as evaluating their success and return on investment.

Here’s what an Event Marketer’s day looks like:

If you are making plans for your next career step or looking for a suitable digital agency job title that meets your skills, you might consider checking out our Digital Agency Job Board.

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