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Here’s How 11 Expert Marketers Define B2B Influencer Marketing – TopRank® Marketing



What is B2B influencer marketing? 

I get asked this question quite often. Especially by non-marketers, who have the assumption I work with a Kardashian selling makeup. 

Let’s begin with the distinction between B2B and B2C influencer marketing. A slightly more B2C-centric definition comes from McKinsey: “Influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular social-media users and brands to promote brands’ products or services.” Although sometimes true for B2B, there are more nuances we can explore.

As we defined it in our 2023 Influencer Marketing Report, “B2B influencer marketing is the strategic practice of brands working with knowledgeable and influential figures in a given industry to create, co-create and amplify content.”

At a high level, these definitions accurately summarize what B2B influencer marketing is and how it works. But we wanted to offer a deeper perspective on the practice, straight from the voices who bring it to life.

I asked some amazing marketers via LinkedIn, emails and messages for their thoughts. This group of marketing thought leaders called out the need for collaboration, authenticity, relationships, data, education, and trust, along with leveraging employees and executives. 

Come take a closer look at their definitions of B2B influencer marketing.

How experts define B2B influencer marketing

Simply put, B2B influencer marketing is, “Trusted voices influencing buyer decisions,” says Ursula Ringham, Head of Global Influencer Marketing, SAP, Inc. 

Collaboration is key, says Jonathan Steiert, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, NetLine. B2B influencer marketing is a collaboration where one business leverages the trust and reach of an industry expert or entity to amplify its message to a targeted professional audience.”

The content queen, Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs, breaks down influencer marketing like you would a good marketing strategy: 

“It’s a collab between an organization and an individual marked by 4 key essentials:

  • Clear goals, KPIs: Why are we doing this? How will we measure success? 
  • Alignment of audience and values: Does our expertise align? Does the influencer use, believe in the product or service? 
  • Relationship: Is this a relationship or does it feel like a one-off? Do we like each other?
  • Trust: Is there transparency and authenticity? Do we trust each other and honor the other’s strengths? Do we give each other creative freedom? Is there content collaboration or content control?”

A strategic partnership

“B2B influencer marketing,” according to Sprout Social, “is a strategic approach where businesses promote their product or services through collaborative partnerships with subject matter experts within a specific industry. Through these relationships, businesses are able to harness an influencer’s credibility to reach new audiences.” 

It is that mutually strategic focus and tight-knit partnership that really distinguish B2B influence as a marketing approach, in the eyes of many practitioners. You’ll notice some recurring language in the way they describe the discipline.

“I define B2B influencer marketing as a strategic collaboration that aligns brands with industry experts to enhance credibility, extend reach, and build authority collectively,” says Sarah Evans, CEO at Sevans PR. “This approach not only highlights the expertise of thought leaders but also intertwines their insights with a brand’s narrative, elevating all. It’s about creating a symbiotic relationship where expert opinions are brought to the forefront, providing a dual benefit—boosting the brand’s reputation and amplifying the influencer’s authority. This method is a powerful way to leverage shared knowledge and influence, crafting a narrative that resonates deeply within professional communities.” 

A strategic partnership begins with collaboration, says Justin Levy, Head of Social Media, Influencer Marketing & Community, ZoomInfo. “B2B influencer marketing is the collaboration with industry thought leaders to, typically, drive brand awareness and engagement. The most successful B2B influencer marketing campaigns are those that are mutually beneficial for both the brand and the influencers that the brand works with.”

To Sydney Dusselier, Senior Writer, Prophix, “B2B influencer marketing is all about partnering with thought leaders and innovators in your space to build mutually beneficial relationships that help educate and engage your target market. Co-creating campaigns, assets, and social media content with B2B influencers is one of the best ways to convey your commitment to amplifying the voices of your audience and addressing their concerns in an approachable way, rather than resorting to a sales pitch right away.”

Commenting on the mutual benefits between brand and influencer, Amy Higgins, Director, Content Marketing, Cloudflare, shares: “Personally, I define B2B influencer marketing as a mutually beneficial relationship where brands co-create together. The trick is finding what is ‘beneficial’ for both parties. Sometimes the influencers receive a monetary benefit. However, more often than not, B2B influencers work with brands to expand their community and influence in the industry.”

B2B influencers add credibility and authenticity

Brands want to find a way to relate and show credibility with their audience. Influencers provide that authenticity. The experts agree. 

“First of all, B2B influencer marketing is suuuch a fantastic way to humanize a brand and create a lot of buzz with the right audience,” says Ruth Schuster, Social Media Lead, HRS. “Second of all, with experts and brand ambassadors, a B2B brand can share its messages more authentically, build better trust, and make complex content more accessible for its audience. As a result, it drives higher engagement and conversions because influencers bring credibility and attention, making clients more likely to trust and choose the brand.”

Ruth adds, “To sum it up: it just helps brands in such a meaningful way to educate and position themselves as industry leaders, driving growth and strengthening their market presence.”

The theme of credibility and authenticity continues with Morgan J. Ingram, Founder and Chief Edutainment Officer, AMP Creative. “My definition of B2B influencer marketing is amplifying your company’s mission and narrative in the market by partnering with credible voices in your industry,” he says. “These influencers have built an audience around a specific topic due to their expertise and accomplishments. By collaborating with them, you tap into their credibility to expand your market share.”

“The future of B2B influencer marketing is integration, not transaction,” Morgan continues. “Influencers will deeply align with an organization’s revenue goals and brand narrative, creating content that authentically reflects the company’s mission. This approach moves beyond simple endorsements to value-driven pieces of content.”

“You need to humanize your brand if you want people to buy into it and influencer marketing is one of the best ways to do that. B2B influencer marketing allows companies to expose their offerings to more tailored, professional communities and build brand authority by working with respected experts. Through those experts, or influencers, brands can get the word out about an offering while cultivating deep, authentic relationships with potential customers,” points out Tim Alexander, Social Media and Influencer Strategist.

Specialized expertise is a must

You don’t pick a B2B influencer because they look cute. You look for someone who can inform your audience. 

The B2B Influencer Marketing Guide reminds us that it comes down to the three R’s:

  • Relevance – Who is reaching your brand’s most valuable audience?
  • Resonance – Who is inspiring your audience to meaningful action?
  • Reach – Given the first two, who has the biggest audience?

Mandy McEwen, Founder & CEO, Mod Girl Marketing makes this point. She says, “B2B influencer marketing is the strategy of engaging well-connected, expert thought leaders to elevate your brand’s presence and trustworthiness. Unlike B2C, where it’s all about reach and consumer influence, B2B influencer marketing focuses more on the depth of connections and the specific subject matter expertise these influencers bring.”

Want to learn more about B2B influencer marketing and how it works? We’ve got plenty for you to explore:

How do you define B2B influencer marketing? Let us help define it for your brand. Discover our influencer marketing services.

About the author

Debbie Friez is the agency’s Associate Director of Social and Influencer Marketing. Her 9+ years at TopRank Marketing, plus her diverse background in public relations and business development helps her lead our social media and influencer marketing teams. Debbie works closely with our robust network of B2B influencers across a variety of industries, providing influencer marketing program management and consulting for our top B2B tech and enterprise brands. She also is one of the best friends you can find, who is always in the know on the best restaurants, and happenings around Minneapolis.

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SEO & Digital Marketing

115 Digital Marketing Agency Names & Ideas (with an Agency Name Generator!)



The digital marketing agency name you choose plays a key role in your business’s perception and growth. If the digital marketing company name you decided on perfectly reflects your business understanding, core values, and marketing approaches, well done! 

You are on the right track.

What’s Inside?

The digital marketing agency name you choose is an important factor that can carry you to the top, especially when starting your agency. Of course, you need many more besides a killer agency name, such as case studies full of data-supported narratives and testimonials, online agency reviews, industry experts, seasoned marketers, and creative minds! 

But still, the name of your agency is surprisingly important, as every business relationship starts with the first impression.

Your agency’s name = How they* remember you forever

*Your potential clients. The best friend of your budget and agency growth                                                     .

For an efficient first impression and to ensure that they remember you well, you certainly need to create a powerful impact through the eyes and ears of your clients. 

80% of consumers regularly purchase name-brand items, demonstrating the importance of name selection, which must be well-supported by an intriguing digital agency logo and branding as a whole package, of course!

Long story short:

  • Think of the name as a firm and friendly handshake. It must convey key details about your digital marketing agency.
  • Stick to an original name and avoid using acronyms.
  • Avoid ridicule. It may raise your profile but can harm brand trust and longevity.

Agency Name Generator: Find the Perfect Fit

To make the naming process more efficient, we’ve created an agency name generator. All you need to do is brainstorm your agency’s personality and get unique and tailored ideas!

Agency Name Generator Quiz

Quiz: Agency Name Generator 💡

6. If your agency were a vehicle, what would it be?

Agency Name Generation with AI

Using AI tools like ChatGPT-4 or GPT-4o are great ways to generate digital marketing agency names.

  • Step 1: Share what’s on your mind and what you think about the agency with your AI buddy and ask for a prompt based on your ideas.
  • Step 2: Use the given prompt on a new chat on Chat GPT, and voila! You’ll have the perfect agency name ready for you.

115 Digital Marketing Agency Name Ideas & Real-World Analyses

It’s time to dive into real-world examples of digital marketing agency names and uncover 115 creative ideas for your agency!

Here’s what we’ll cover:

In each section, we’ll look at real examples and offer some fresh, creative suggestions to help you find the perfect name for your agency.

Creative Digital Agency Names 

  • Creativore – Devours traditional boundaries in creativity, pushing digital innovations to new limits.
  • Think Flare – Ignites brilliant ideas with a flare, lighting up the digital marketing landscape.
  • Mystic Mingle – Blends enigmatic strategies with clear goals, creating a mystical allure in digital campaigns.
  • Dreamweave Digital – Weaves dream-like, visionary concepts into practical digital solutions.
  • Pulse Crafters – Masters the craft of creating digital campaigns that pulse with energy and engagement.
  • Vision Nest – Incubates forward-thinking ideas, nurturing them into visionary digital strategies.
  • Echo Bound – Explores the boundaries of digital echo chambers, creating campaigns that resonate widely.
  • Spark Sculptor – Sculpts raw creative energy into sparkling digital experiences.
  • Lumin Essence – Captures the essence of brand stories, illuminating them through luminous digital tactics.
  • Nebula Works – Crafts digital strategies as expansive and intriguing as a nebula.
  • Ripple Fable – Creates tales that send ripples across the digital ocean, spreading wide and far.
  • Zenith Forge – Forges strategies that propel brands to their zenith with precision and innovation.
  • Mythos Makers – Constructs digital mythologies that enthrall and convert audiences.
  • Infinite Craft – Dedicates to crafting digital solutions with infinite possibilities and creativity.
  • Nova Narratives – Shapes compelling narratives that are as explosive and captivating as a nova.
  • Spectra Spin – Spins a spectrum of ideas into cohesive, colorful digital campaigns.
  • Glyph Grid – Designs digital content structured as intricately as a grid of ancient glyphs.
  • Voyager Vision – Embarks on digital voyages to explore uncharted territories of creativity.
  • Oracle Optics – Provides visionary insights into digital trends with the precision of an oracle.
  • Horizon Hive – Operates as a hive of activity, buzzing with ideas that extend to new horizons

Breaking Down Real Creative Agency Names

Major Tom


As a creative digital agency, Major Tom focuses on themes such as discovery, exploration, and strategy. They always try to see the big picture. Discovery and exploration themes bring to mind the concept of space. So they began to explore ideas around this theme.

Discover the journey behind Major Tom’s homepage and why websites are the place to leverage creativity and technology. They are one of the best branding agencies in Toronto and in several US cities.

Also, the name of the agency has a David Bowie reference. In sum, the agency’s name originated from the fictional character, an astronaut from Bowie’s “Space Oddity” song.

Mimosa Agency


Mimosa is an integrated digital creative agency specializing in branding, inbound marketing, research, and consulting. According to their Director Danilo Sierra, the brand name represents the things that the team loves and they loved having brunch with mimosas.

Well, we think that having brunch with mimosas would be a great inspiration for creating new ideas.



“Crafted” means that the Crafted team never uses templates. All of their design solutions begin with brand research and all of their design is catered to enhance and work with the brand at hand.

What is more, the name also represents that the team is always exploring new and innovative user interactions, conversion flows, and creative storytelling.

Isadora Agency


The name Isadora is, in fact, the name of the agency’s founder and President! 

Isadora Marlow-Morgan is the creative force behind the digital agency and has been active in the day-to-day creative operations of the business since the agency opened its doors. We like the name as it is easy to remember and reflects its founder’s energy in their creative works.



Kota is a popular name and word in many cultures throughout the world. The agency shared that they had come across Kota’s name regularly as a name for a city, person, or venue in their travels around India and Southeast Asia.

With the strong meaning of ‘The Allies’ and a name that ‘brings happiness and good fortune’, the team feels it has always been a great fit for them as individuals, the agency and the work they produce, and their values.

Considering the story behind it, we can say that it totally reflects the agency’s aim of maintaining an ongoing relationship of support and growth with all of their clients which eventually leads to success and happiness for both sides. What is more,  we also think that the name of the digital agency is very memorable and easy to pronounce in many languages.

Full-Service Digital Agency Names

  • Totality Tactics – Provides comprehensive digital strategies that cover every aspect of online marketing.
  • AllAspect Agency – Offers full-scale services to cover all aspects of digital transformation and marketing.
  • Panorama Prodigy – Specializes in creating a wide-ranging digital presence that captures panoramic views of market opportunities.
  • ScopeSavvy Solutions – Delivers savvy, wide-reaching solutions that encompass the full scope of digital needs.
  • Unity Digital Designs – Unifies various digital marketing aspects into cohesive, effective campaigns.
  • Spectrum Span Services – Spans the entire spectrum of digital services, from inception to execution.
  • Blueprint Bridge – Builds bridges between traditional marketing and digital innovation with comprehensive planning.
  • Inclusive Insight – Offers inclusive strategies that incorporate deep insights into every facet of digital marketing.
  • EchoSphere Systems – Creates systems that echo through the entire sphere of digital marketing, resonating with target audiences.
  • FusionFrame Full-Service – Frames a fusion of services that seamlessly integrate creative and technical aspects.
  • OmniOps Digital – Operates on an omni-channel strategy that ensures operations are smooth across all digital platforms.
  • Vertex Vantage – Provides a vantage point at every vertex of digital marketing, ensuring no stone is unturned.
  • Nexus Network – Connects a network of digital services, creating a nexus of marketing solutions.
  • Circuit Complete – Completes the circuit of digital marketing needs from analytics to zonal targeting.
  • TotalTune Technology – Tunes into total technological solutions, harmonizing all elements of digital campaigns.
  • Pinnacle Practices – Practices at the pinnacle of digital excellence, offering full services from SEO to sophisticated analytics.
  • StrataSphere Studio – Encompasses a stratospheric range of services, pushing brands to the upper strata of their potential.
  • Comprehensive Creations – Crafts comprehensive digital strategies that creatively cover all marketing needs.
  • MasterMesh Marketing – Weaves a masterful mesh of full-service digital strategies, encompassing every marketing channel.
  • All-In Axis Agency – Rotates around an all-inclusive axis, providing every digital service necessary for comprehensive coverage.

Taking a Closer Look at Full-Service Digital Agency Names

Pound & Grain


The Vancouver-headquartered Pound & Grain has a really interesting and distinctive name. “Pound” and “grain” are precise units of measurement that were used by apothecaries before a pound was equal to about 7,000 grains. However, back in the day, these measurements depended on where you lived.

So, here is the meaning of their name: The Pound means the big-picture ideas and strategies they bring to the table. The Grain is their constant delivery of pixel-perfect experiences and performance-based results that connect people where they live and breathe today.


Some time ago, the agency Get Started entered the process of rebranding and also changed its name to Luminary. This is a really interesting name because it has different meanings that represent the agency.

The word luminary means, “a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere; a natural light-giving body, such as the moon or stars.”

According to Luminary’s Managing Director Adam Griffith, this name summarizes the key point of difference as being the longest-standing digital agency in Australia, while hitting the mark on all of their four brand pillars: real, solid, human, and bright.

In the video below, the team shares how they chose the name Luminary:


Together Agency’s name embodies the essence of collaboration and warmth, reflecting their welcoming and friendly tone of voice. With a well-crafted “About” page, they highlight how they value relationships with their clients, focusing on working ‘together’ to achieve remarkable results.


This approach is mirrored in their name, which effectively communicates their commitment to partnership and collective creativity. It stands as a brilliant example for businesses seeking an inspiring, memorable, and approachable digital agency name.



Skywire, founded in 2004 and based in London’s Notting Hill, serves as a specialized digital agency for fashion, luxury, and lifestyle brands. Its name “Skywire” encapsulates its high-reaching aspirations and its commitment to connecting brands with cutting-edge digital strategies. The agency prides itself on its ability to help exceptional clients expand their online presence and influence globally through creative design, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing.

Social Media Marketing Agency Names

  • Hashtag Horizon – Explores new horizons in social media landscapes using trending hashtags and strategies.
  • Viral Visionaries – Specializes in crafting campaigns that are designed to go viral, capturing the vision of the brand.
  • TweetPeak Tactics – Develops peak strategies specifically for platforms like Twitter, focusing on engagement spikes.
  • Engage Echoes – Amplifies client messages across social platforms, creating echoes of engagement.
  • LikeLeap Labs – Innovates new methods for boosting ‘likes’ and engagement, helping brands leap ahead on social media.
  • Pixel Pulse Media – Keeps a finger on the pulse of social trends, translating them into pixel-perfect campaigns.
  • FollowFlow Forums – Creates streams of content that enhance follower flow and community interaction.
  • SnapScribe Studio – Specializes in snappy, memorable content that resonates, particularly on fast-moving platforms like Snapchat.
  • Connective Currents – Utilizes the latest trends to create connective currents across various social media channels.
  • Influence Infusion – Infuses brand campaigns with influential strategies that permeate social media.
  • ShareSpark Digital – Ignites campaigns that spark sharing and discussions across social networks.
  • EchoSphere Social – Builds campaigns that resonate and echo throughout the social media sphere.
  • Trend Translators – Translates current social media trends into actionable and impactful campaigns.
  • MemeMakers Media – Crafts memorable memes and content that stick with audiences and spread virally.
  • Engagement Engine – Drives engagement through innovative, engine-revving social media strategies.
  • Content Connectors – Connects audiences with captivating content tailored to various social media platforms.
  • BuzzBridge Media – Bridges the gap between brand and consumer, creating buzz across social networks.
  • Social Synergy Studio – Creates synergistic relationships between brands and their followers through expertly managed social interactions.
  • Profile Pivot – Pivots client social media profiles toward higher visibility and engagement.
  • Dialogue Dynamics – Dynamically engages audiences, encouraging active dialogue and interaction on social media.

Inside the Names of Real Social Media Marketing Agencies

Burst Digital 

Burst Digital’s name captures the essence of their strategy: making an immediate, impactful presence on social media.


Their name “Burst” conveys energy and dynamism, reflecting how they manage to make brands stand out with vibrant, eye-catching content. The name highlights that they focus on delivering creative and energetic marketing strategies that grab attention quickly and effectively.

Ignite Visibility

Ignite Visibility perfectly captures what they do best: lighting up your brand on social media so it’s impossible to ignore. 


The word “ignite” reflects their ability to spark interest and make your brand the center of attention. They specialize in smart, strategic marketing that highlights what makes your brand special.

By “igniting visibility”, they guarantee that your brand not only gets noticed but also stays memorable. Their strategy is focused on creating impactful interactions that leave a lasting impression.

With a name like Ignite Visibility, an agency promises to elevate the social media game. 

Performance Marketing Agency Names

  • MetricMinds – Focuses on strategies driven by meticulous data analysis and performance metrics.
  • ConversionCraft – Specializes in crafting campaigns that are optimized for high conversion rates.
  • ClickCatalyst – Acts as a catalyst for driving clicks and maximizing performance through targeted marketing.
  • Pinnacle Performance – Reaches the pinnacle of marketing performance with strategies designed for peak efficiency.
  • PrecisionPulse – Delivers campaigns with precision, monitoring the pulse of performance to ensure success.
  • ROI Reactor – Reacts to market trends with agility, ensuring the highest return on investment for clients.
  • TriggerPoint Media – Pinpoints the exact triggers that lead to consumer action and maximizes their impact.
  • ProfitPath – Maps out the most profitable paths for clients, ensuring measurable results.
  • EngageEngine – Powers campaigns that drive engagement and deliver tangible performance outcomes.
  • Outcome Optimizers – Focuses on optimizing campaigns to achieve the best possible outcomes for clients.
  • Performance Paragon – Sets the standard as a paragon of excellence in performance-driven marketing.
  • ConversionCore – Gets to the core of what drives conversions, building strategies around this foundation.
  • Revenue Ripple – Creates ripple effects in revenue growth through highly targeted performance marketing.
  • Impact Infusion – Infuses campaigns with strategies designed to create maximum impact on performance metrics.
  • ProfitPulse – Monitors the pulse of profit-driven strategies to ensure continuous performance improvement.
  • ResultRise – Helps clients rise above the competition with results that speak for themselves.
  • Clickstream Collective – Harnesses the power of clickstream data to optimize performance marketing.
  • Benchmark Boosters – Boosts client performance to exceed industry benchmarks and expectations.
  • ROI Resonate – Creates marketing strategies that resonate with target audiences, ensuring high ROI.
  • Performance Precision – Delivers precise, data-driven campaigns that consistently achieve high-performance results.

The Thinking Behind Performance Marketing Agency Names

Zest Digital

Zest Digital is an award-winning digital growth agency based in the UK, and their name is a testament to their creative and inspirational approach to digital marketing. Founded in 2010, Zest Digital has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering growth for its clients, its team, and the environment. The name “Zest Digital” perfectly encapsulates the agency’s ethos.


The term ‘Zest’ evokes a sense of energy, enthusiasm, and liveliness, which mirrors their approach to digital marketing. By focusing on increasing traffic and conversions, Zest Digital injects vitality into their clients’ online presence, breathing new life into their businesses. Furthermore, their dedication to sustainability and their three Ps—Profit, People, and Planet—reflect their holistic and responsible approach to digital marketing, making them a source of inspiration for the industry and an excellent addition to our list of creative digital agency names and ideas. Zest Digital truly lives up to its motto, “Zest For Life,” and strives to do more good in the world.


A data-driven full funnel marketing agency Favoured combines cutting-edge performance strategies with top-notch creative execution to get concrete results. As their name indicates, the agency is “favoured” by many brands. They have collaborated with 30 companies since 2018 and reached over 10 million people.


Branding Agency Names

  • Identity Ink – Specializes in crafting unique brand identities that leave a lasting imprint.
  • BrandForge – Forges powerful brand identities with a focus on strength and consistency.
  • AuraCraft – Crafts brand auras that resonate deeply with audiences, creating a strong emotional connection.
  • EchoBrand – Builds brands that echo through time, ensuring long-lasting recognition and impact.
  • Nexus Nameworks – Focuses on creating names and identities that form a nexus between the brand and its audience.
  • Verve Visuals – Infuses brands with energy and style, creating visuals that embody the brand’s essence.
  • Beacon Branding – Illuminates brand identities, making them a guiding light in their respective industries.
  • Emblem Edge – Gives brands a sharp edge with emblematic logos and identities that stand out.
  • Essence Elevate – Elevates the core essence of brands, refining and enhancing their unique qualities.
  • Imprint Innovation – Innovates brand identities that leave a distinctive imprint on the market.
  • SymbolSync – Synchronizes brand symbols and visuals with the company’s values and mission.
  • BrandAlchemy – Transforms ideas into golden brands through the art and science of branding.
  • PulsePoint Branding – Gets to the pulse of what makes a brand tick, crafting identities that resonate.
  • CanvasCraft – Crafts brand identities on a blank canvas, tailored specifically to each client’s needs.
  • VisionVault – Stores and protects the visual and conceptual vision of a brand, ensuring consistency.
  • PrimePersona – Focuses on creating brand personas that perfectly match the target audience.
  • Iconic Imprint – Develops iconic brands that leave a powerful and memorable imprint on the market.
  • HeritageHive – Builds brands with a deep sense of heritage, creating a lasting legacy.
  • MosaicMark – Assembles diverse elements into a cohesive brand mark, creating a complete brand picture.
  • Virtue Visuals – Highlights the core virtues of a brand, bringing them to life through powerful visuals.

Analyzing Branding Agency Name Examples



The name “Propeller” aptly conveys the agency’s mission to drive clients forward, innovating across various digital strategies from web design to comprehensive marketing services. Positioned in the heart of London, Propeller combines its commitment to community and sustainability with cutting-edge digital solutions, making it a standout name for businesses seeking impactful digital transformation.



Devotion is a catchy name that represents the agency’s passionate business approach. They named the company Devotion because they believe that everyone has a passion and that passion breeds devotion.

They are a team of professionals who are devoted to delivering compelling, engaging user experiences, finding new, inventive ways to secure customers and drive brand loyalty, creating a fun, vibrant place to work, and so on. Above all, they are devoted to delivering results, every time. Also, they tell everyone that “devotion is what they create.”

Last Thoughts

As we mentioned a few times throughout the blog post, a well-chosen name can be your ticket to standing out and making a lasting impression.

Think of your agency’s name as the initial handshake with potential clients—it should be impactful and memorable. Steer clear of acronyms and gimmicky names that might undermine your brand’s credibility. For a streamlined naming process, use tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm innovative ideas. 

A thoughtful name, supported by effective branding, can pave the way for your agency’s growth and reputation. Choose wisely, and let your name be the foundation of your future success.

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SEO & Digital Marketing

What’s the Catch with Google AI Overview?



When we think about search results, the image of endless lists of links and the snippet from a website comes to mind. However, search habits are evolving. According to Salesforce, 34% of people now turn to AI for learning new things. The appeal lies in receiving a comprehensive answer that directly addresses the question, a feature that traditional search results, like Google, still need to fully embrace. In May 2023, Google entered the race by testing its Google AI Overview feature, which occupies a significant portion of the first page. This presents new opportunities for marketers to showcase their content, but it also means the competition to stay on the first page has become tougher than ever.

What is Generative AI

Generative AI is an algorithm that can create new content, whether it’s text, images, or videos. Imagine asking ChatGPT to draft an outline for your next sustainable fashion campaign. Instead of spending hours researching, you receive a personalised, concise answer. As people increasingly prefer quick and personalised answers over clicking through numerous pages, tech giants like Google have felt this shift. As a result, Google is advancing by using AI to provide clear, direct answers in search results, moving from just giving a snippet of a high authority web page to answering your question.


AI’s Role in Shaping Your Search Results

SEO has moved from keyword-focused. Google’s commitment to improving search quality has led to a shift towards higher-quality content and a more advanced crawling system. Google has ramped up its content evaluation process to decide what appears on the coveted first page. Searchers often face frustration when links fail to deliver comprehensive answers, leading to poor user experiences. The integration of AI into Google Search has raised the standard, more than mobile optimisation and keywords. Now, content must offer valuable insights and contribute positively to the broader conversation to secure a top spot.

How to Stand Out

With AI Overview taking up more space on the first page, there’s less room for other pages. As a result, the competition to appear on the first page intensifies. A study by Backlinko revealed that 27.6% of all clicks go to links on the first page, while less than 1% of searchers click on something from the second page. Here are two things you should keep in mind:

  • Be Original and Deep: Using Generative AI tools to brainstorm ideas and enhance your work is one thing, as long as it’s guided by a clear and defined objective. However, relying entirely on AI, like ChatGPT, for your creative tasks is another story. AI-generated content that’s spammy or duplicative won’t take you far and might even harm your site’s authority. Google’s AI Overview prioritises more in-depth, high-quality information for its answers.
  • Share Authentic Stories: Understanding the target audience has always been in marketers’ playbook but this is the key to survival. Gaining a deep understanding of your niche helps you spot relevant industry trends that you engage actively. While traditional news outlets may dominate the information landscape, independent creators like you bring unique perspectives and valuable insights through blogs. Regularly sharing updates and key takeaways that showcase your business’s growth and evolution helps in building a loyal following.


While AI is changing the way search engines work, it doesn’t mean we should let AI do all creative work. Sure, AI can simplify research and learning, but it can’t replace authentic content that truly connects with people. There’s still a significant amount of scepticism regarding AI’s accuracy and potential biases, which makes human oversight essential. Moreover, for your content to be referenced by AI Generative tools like Google AI Overview, it’s important to create thoughtful and original content rather than merely copying and pasting. As a digital agency, Click Creative‘s focus is on optimising your site’s performance through SEO and CRO. It’s not just about throwing around keywords but refining your website and making sure your researched keywords work as they should.

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SEO & Digital Marketing

The Complete Guide to Food Influencer Marketing Strategies for 2024 (8 Steps to Success!)



Food influencer marketing, a term we’ve been hearing a lot, has become an integral strategy for food and beverage brands looking to connect with their audience in a more authentic way.

Simply put, it’s about partnering with individuals who have a strong online presence and can influence their followers’ purchasing decisions. And honestly, the impact is real. In fact, 69% percent of consumers trust the recommendations of influencers. This is actually solid proof of how a good influencer marketing strategy can boost brand awareness and drive sales.

Key Takeaways

  • What is Food Influencer Marketing, Why it Matters and Who Needs It? 

You’ll learn what food influencer marketing is, why it’s important, and which brands can benefit the most from it.

  • 8 Steps to Build a Successful Food Influencer Marketing Strategy

You’ll discover the essential steps to create a successful food influencer marketing strategy, from leveraging UGC to partnering with local influencers.

  • Top Food Influencer Campaigns to Learn From

You’ll see real examples of successful food influencer campaigns and learn how these brands achieved their goals through strategic partnerships.

A Comprehensive Guide to Food Influencer Marketing: What It Is, Why It Matters, and Who Needs It?

Traditional ads often feel impersonal, but food influencers add a human touch. They engage followers with relatable content, making food or product recommendations feel like advice from a friend. While boosting brand awareness, which most brands seek, this strategy also convinces audiences as followers are more likely to trust and act on recommendations from someone they admire. 

  • Food influencers range from celebrity chefs to food micro influencers with dedicated followers. 
  • They create content that attracts and impacts not just people in their region but many all over the world. Food content brings people together and introduces them to diverse cultures.
  • Naturally, this is a great advantage for many brands, as brand awareness can spread across the world.
  • With the help of food influencers and food and beverage marketing agencies, fast food chains, cookware brands or restaurants showcase new launches in a more engaging and intriguing way.

Why does it matter, though? Because we live in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with advertisements and the authenticity that food influencer marketing offers makes a real difference. They build trust and this trust translates into higher engagement rates and stronger brand connections.

Who needs food influencer marketing? Each and every food brand out there! It’s not just for big brands with massive budgets. Every food brand, regardless of size, can benefit. It can be particularly beneficial for smaller, niche markets where targeted messaging is key.

Especially the following businesses can benefit from this strategy:

  • Restaurants: Use influencers to attract local crowds when launching a new menu or opening a new location.
  • Food Brands:From large corporations to small, artisanal producers, food brands are able to display their products in a more appealing way.
  • Beverage Companies: Highlight new drinks or seasonal flavors with the help of food and beverage influencers.
  • Specialty Food Shops: Reach niche audiences and boost visibility for unique products.
  • Cookware Brands: Collaborate with food content creators to promote products, offering viewers quick insights on quality and ease of use, often with discount codes.

8 Steps to Building a Winning Food Influencer Marketing Strategy

You need more than just choosing the right influencers for effective food influencer marketing. Thus, we’ve listed unique steps you can take:

Step 1: Encouraging User-Generated Content (UGC)

One of the most powerful aspects of food influencer marketing is the ability to inspire your audience to create their own content featuring your products. When customers see influencers using and endorsing your products, they’re more likely to join in and share their own experiences. 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchase decisions. Leveraging UGC means encouraging influencers and customers alike to create and share content that features your products in an organic, creative way – such as through their own recipes, meal prep ideas, or unique serving suggestions.

The beauty of UGC lies in its authenticity—content created by everyday people feels more genuine and trustworthy than traditional ads. Plus, when influencers lead the charge, their followers are more likely to participate, knowing they’re part of a community.

Authenticity & Trust: UGC is trusted more because it comes from real users, making it more reliable than traditional ads.

Cost-Effective Content Creation: It is a budget-friendly way to generate a steady stream of content.

Community Engagement: Sharing UGC creates a sense of belonging, boosting brand visibility through ongoing engagement.

Diverse Perspectives: UGC showcases your product’s versatility, offering new, creative uses from different viewpoints.

UGC strategy is also effective because of the rise of micro and nano influencers. These creators typically have smaller but highly engaged followings, perfect for UGC strategies. These influencers often have a closer relationship with their audience, making their UGC more impactful and relatable.

Viral TikTok Presence: Crumbl Cookies has gained massive popularity on TikTok, where hashtags like #CrumblCookies and #CrumblReview has millions of views.

@nicoleaxelrod crumbl review, week of august 26th 🍪✨ #crumblcookies #crumblreview #cookiereview #cookies #cookietok #review #tastetest #crumbl #dessert #dessertreview #foodreview #foodie #food #sweettreats #fyp @Crumbl Cookies ♬ How`s Your Day – aAp Vision

Weekly Flavor Drops Fuel UGC: Crumbl’s weekly introduction of new flavors is a key part of their strategy, encouraging UGC.


Step 2: Partnering Local Restaurants with Local Influencers

The value of local connections can sometimes be overlooked. However, collaborating with local influencers help food brands to reach the local audience, thus driving customers directly to the brand. Locals discover new places to try via influencers.

  • Local Discovery: Local influencers help people in the area discover new dining spots they might not know about. Their recommendations feel like tips from a friend, making them more likely to visit.
  • Community Connection: These influencers know what the local community cares about and can make your restaurant a local favorite by connecting it with community values and trends.
  • Word-of-Mouth Amplification: An influencer’s endorsement can quickly spread the word about your restaurant, leading to more visits and bookings from their followers who trust their advice.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Collaborating with local influencers is budget-friendly and can deliver great results without the high costs of traditional ads.
  • Relatable Content: Content created by local influencers resonates more with locals because it’s relevant and authentic, making it more impactful and shareable.

KarissaEats is one of the top food influencers online, especially having a strong following base on TikTok with over 6 million followers. Her content typically has a solid style where she tries different foods from all over the world. As shared by her, she recently moved to NYC with her boyfriend and continues to share content from every corner of the city. With her helpful content, travelers and locals are able to discover local delicacies, ranging from Indian cuisine to food trucks.

@karissaeats #ad Discover Bank, Member FDIC. #discoverpartner Earn rewards with @DiscoverOfficial and go treat yourself! #cashback #finance #fyp ♬ original sound – karissaeats

Step 3: Creating Taste-Testing Content

Inviting influencers to sample and review your products brings authenticity and excitement. These taste-testing campaigns, whether done live, virtually, or through social media, give audiences a real, sensory experience that sticks with them.

  • Genuine Reactions: Influencers sharing their honest thoughts on your product gives potential customers a real sense of what to expect, making it easier for them to decide to try it.
  • Interactive and Fun: This content invites viewers to engage, whether they’re watching a live stream or commenting on a video, making your brand more engaging.
  • Broadened Audience: An influencer’s review can introduce your product to their followers, who trust their recommendations and are more likely to give your product a try.
  • Cost-Effective Exposure: Taste-testing content is budget-friendly and can provide solid exposure without the need for expensive campaigns.
  • Sensory Experience: Taste-testing campaigns let consumers experience a product vicariously through the influencer’s reactions. Food is inherently sensory, and by watching an influencer taste and describe a product, audiences can almost “taste” it themselves. This sensory appeal is powerful in driving consumer curiosity and desire to try the product.

Wingstop is another food brand that has taken over TikTok and YouTube with its mouth-watering fried chicken strips and wings. What sets them apart is their wide range of flavors, especially their Cajun fries and ranch sauce, which have people around the world buzzing. The comments are filled with people outside the U.S. craving these flavors, begging the brand to open locations in their countries. This global excitement keeps engagement high. While they might not be able to sell to everyone, Wingstop has definitely created brand awareness that’s hard to beat, so salute to those influencer agencies across the US that bring the right influencers with the brand!

@shhhhimeating Wingstop (new week new stop, its so hot) #wingstop #wingstopranch #wingstopmukbang #wings #eating #foodie #asmr #mukbang #fyp ♬ original sound – ShhhhImEating

And how do you think that not-so newly established brand achieved this huge success? Of course with the help of content creators and food influencers.

Step 4: Limited-Edition Product Launch Collaborations with Influencers

Limited-edition anything generates a lot of excitement. And limited-edition or seasonal food products are no exception, especially when promoted by influencers. Their endorsement adds exclusivity and urgency, driving higher sales during the launch period. These products also tap into the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) effect, prompting consumers to act quickly. Most people hurry to buy these products, worried they might not get another opportunity.

Let’s take a look at the following example. Oreo has collaborated with Carrie Berk to introduce their limited edition S’mores oreos. This type of content generates hype and wonder, leading consumers to immediately go to the closest store to buy and try the product.

@carrieberkk limited-edition SMORES OREOS!! 🍫 @theoreoofficial #foodie #foodtiktok #oreo ♬ original sound – Carrie Berk

Step 5: Create a Secret Menu Item

Most fast food restaurants have secret menu items in their menus and occasionally these items go viral. Thus, you may also consider adding a special quality like this to your brand and find the right influencers to highlight what you have to offer to their audiences. Brands like Starbucks use this strategy for their beverage marketing strategies, and we must say they become successful by it. These items are intriguing and make people want to try asap.

@thecaroandtina FOLLOW FOR MORE #starbucks #starbucksdrinks #dragonfruit #whattoorder #secretmenustarbucks #secretmenu #frappuccino #fyp #viralvideo #viral ♬ A-O-K – Tai Verdes

Step 6: Host Influencer-Led Cooking Classes

Many food-focused influencers may not have professional training. However, this does not prevent them from creating amazing content by cooking delicious meals. In such cases, cooking classes organized in collaboration with brands featuring these food influencers become quite attractive. Because it is not always possible to taste the dishes made by these creators, who share their home-cooked meals with millions. When such events are organized, both brand visibility increases and it becomes possible to meet these influencers and taste delicious food.

These sessions do more than just highlight a product – they position the influencer as a trusted expert who can guide their audience through the cooking process. When followers see their favorite influencer cooking with your product, it adds a layer of credibility and makes them more likely to try it themselves.

Step 7: Collaborate on Recipe Development

Recipe development by influencers is a direct way to integrate your product into their content in a meaningful and practical manner. When influencers create and share recipes featuring your product, it provides their followers with tangible, actionable ways to use it. This type of content is highly valuable because it goes beyond promotion and offers real value to the audience.

Barilla has partnered with Chef Gaz Oakley for a creative vegan pasta recipe. This appetizing recipe appeals to both a niche audience due to its vegan nature and to people seeking diverse recipes, while also inspiring viewers to use Barilla pasta.

Nutella is another great example of this strategy in action. The brand frequently partners with food influencers to create and share Nutella-based recipes. Most of this content goes viral because they both delight Nutella fans and also intrigues new consumers to try the recipe with the product in creative ways. Cooking recipes is considered to be the most popular form of content on social media, so if you’re interested in it, make sure to give it a try and start posting your recipes as well. 

@fitwaffle 3-ingredient Nutella thumbprint cookies #nutella #cookies #chocolate #foodtok #food ♬ Iko Iko (My Bestie) (feat. Small Jam) – Justin Wellington

Top 4 Food Influencer Campaigns to Learn From

Blue Apron’s Partnership with Food Bloggers

Blue Apron, a meal kit delivery service, successfully partnered with food micro influencers and food bloggers to showcase the convenience and quality of their products. These influencers created content that featured step-by-step meal preparation using Blue Apron kits, highlighting how easy it was to cook gourmet meals at home.

@kat_shultis Have genuinely loved using @blueapron throughout my pregnancy & now postpartum too to save me so much time & energy in such a new & busy season! right now you can get 30% off the first 5 weeks of a new subscription at the link in my bio, terms apply. #letsblueapron #ad ♬ Back on 74 – Stan 🙂
  • The campaign resulted in increased brand visibility and a surge in new subscribers, as consumers were able to see the value of the service through the eyes of trusted influencers.
  • The paid collaboration below, for example, was viewed 1.8 million times, offering 65% discount for those who would use the link in the influencer’s bio to make a purchase.
@kat_shultis Click the link in my bio to get 65% off plus free shipping on your first box until January 14th, Happy New Year bestiiiiies &lt3 terms apply @blueapron #ad #letsblueapron ♬ Fire for You (Sped Up) – Cannons

Dunkin’s Collaboration with Charli D’Amelio

Dunkin’ made waves by collaborating with TikTok star Charli D’Amelio. The partnership featured a limited-edition drink named after the influencer, which quickly became a fan favorite. Charli’s influence, particularly among Gen Z, drove significant traffic to Dunkin’ locations and boosted social media engagement.

@dunkin So official, we put it in writing @charlidamelio. Order ‘The Charli’ on the Dunkin’ app!🙌 #CharliRunsOnDunkin #TheCharli #Dunkin ♬ original sound – Dunkin’
  • The collaboration led to a notable increase in sales, with the drink selling out in many locations shortly after its launch.
@charlidamelio the best part of any day @Dunkin’ #dunkinpartner ♬ original sound – charli d’amelio
  • Partnering with influencers who have a strong connection with your target demographic can amplify the success of a product launch.

Chipotle’s TikTok Challenges

Chipotle has been a frontrunner in using TikTok to engage with younger audiences through food campaign ideas that are fun, interactive, and highly shareable. Their #GuacDance challenge, which encouraged users to create videos of themselves dancing to celebrate National Avocado Day, was a huge success.

@daviddobrik #ChipotleLidFlip @chipotle #ad ♬ Flip – Future

The campaign generated millions of views and led to Chipotle’s most successful guacamole day ever, with the highest number of guac add-ons sold in a single day.

@brentrivera When guacamole is free @chipotle when you order online/in-app on July 31st😍 #GuacDance #ad ♬ The Guacamole Song – Dr. Jean

Isabelle Heiken x Le Creuset

Le Creuset is one of the most renowned cookware brands with its high quality dutch ovens. Their products are also very pleasing to the eye, making it a dream for most households. The brand collaborated with TikTok food influencer Isabelle Heiken, who has recently reached 1 million followers with its aesthetically pleasing food content.


The COLOUR I may cry

♬ If You Don’t Want My Love – Jalen Ngonda

The collaboration will consist of a series of posts but even the first PR package opening video of the creator has received a lot of attention with approximately 20K likes and over 150K viewing. 


These successful campaigns highlight the diverse ways in which food brands that work with influencers can create impactful marketing strategies. Whether it’s through personalized experiences, relatable content, or interactive challenges, the key is to align your brand with the right influencers who resonate with your target audience. As the examples show, food influencer marketing isn’t just about reach; it’s about creating connections that drive real results.

As you consider how to apply these strategies to your own brand, remember that the most effective campaigns are those that feel authentic and provide value to the audience. 

Once you apply the steps we’ve listed and learn from the successful examples, you can elevate your food influencer marketing efforts and achieve lasting success for your brand.

The sooner you take action, the sooner you’ll see the results. Begin now and transform your marketing approach with the power of food influencers.

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