SEO & Digital Marketing

10 Content Marketing Trends for Influencers in 2023



Influencers are constantly busy creating content. Based on the content they create, viewers are interested in their content and share it with each other.

Content prepared by influencers can change its relevance for each year accordingly. In this blog, we will talk about the latest new content marketing trends in 2023. Influencers are divided into different categories, and content marketing trends for each area can differ.

1. The Rise of Short-Form Video Content

Ah, the quick, snappy, and oh-so-engaging short-form videos. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have not just entered the chat but are leading the conversation. Remember the days when ‘longer was better’? Those days are shifting.

A short anecdote to illustrate the power of brevity: We’d craft lengthy video content in our earlier days, thinking more information was the golden ticket. Yet, the magic happened when we distilled those ideas into 60-second chunks on TikTok. Engagement shot up, as did followers.

But why this sudden shift towards brevity? The current digital consumer, much like someone flipping through a magazine, has a shorter attention span. They’re seeking immediate value, entertainment, or both. The success mantra for influencers? Deliver quality content, and deliver it fast.

By dissecting popular short videos, We’ve noticed a formula: Start with a hook, deliver value or entertainment in the core content, and end with an engaging CTA (like a question or challenge). The influencers who’ve mastered this strategy are the ones dancing (sometimes literally) at the top of trending lists.


2. Podcasts Will Continue to Grow

Influencers want to benefit their audience more through podcasts. Because this way is already a trending strategy for 2023. For example, book influencers can start a new business by producing more book advice and book summary podcasts. Or influencers who work closely with any brands on a daily basis can prepare a podcast series called tips and tricks for their followers.

For example, Hannah is a sassy and funny Instagram influencer who is well-known for her open interviews in which she quizzes random people on awkward and funny topics. She started her podcast after that and attracted lots of listeners here as well. She has interviewed a wide range of people, getting to know them and their challenges by asking them what their personal hell is. 


3. Authenticity Over Perfection

In the early days of social media, there was a rush towards creating the most polished and ‘picture-perfect’ content. However, as the digital landscape matures, audiences have begun to gravitate towards genuine, unfiltered experiences. This shift isn’t just a trend—it’s a testament to the evolving dynamics of digital marketing.

As authenticity becomes the cornerstone, social media management has transitioned from mere content scheduling to crafting narratives that resonate personally with followers. For example, when you create social media content in Planly, the AI content assistant you will use will maintain your authenticity.

Several influencers have embraced this approach, moving away from heavily edited photos or scripted videos. A notable example is an influencer who, instead of showcasing the usual polished travel vlogs, began sharing real-time challenges faced during travels, be it lost luggage or language barriers. The engagement on these ‘real’ videos was significantly higher, showing audiences valued raw over rehearsed.

4. AI-Driven Personalized Content

For influencers, AI tools offer insights into what content resonates most with their audience. For instance, there are tools that analyze audience reactions and provide recommendations on what type of content should be produced next. However, the key lies in striking a balance. While automation and algorithms can guide, the heart of content creation should remain genuine and authentic. 

5. Interactive Content and Gamification

Engagement with gamification is the currency of the digital realm. And what better way to boost interaction than through interactive content? With features like polls, quizzes, and challenges becoming mainstream, influencers have a fresh arsenal of tools to engage their audience.

Then there’s gamification—introducing game-like elements into content. For instance, an influencer might introduce a ‘streak’ system where followers are rewarded for consecutive days of engagement. Such tactics not only increase daily interaction but also foster a sense of community and loyalty among followers.

Fitness influencers, for instance, might create a 30-day challenge, gamifying participation and progress. Followers earn “points” or recognition for daily workouts or health habits.

6. Long-Form Written Content’s Renaissance

While the world buzzes about videos and podcasts, the written word is experiencing a quiet, powerful resurgence. Long-form articles and in-depth reads are making a comeback, especially for niche audiences seeking detailed insights.

It’s about depth over breadth. While a short-form video might introduce a topic, a comprehensive article can delve deep, providing nuances and details. Several platforms have noted higher engagement rates on well-researched, long-form content, indicating a hungry audience waiting for meatier content.

7. Collaborative Content Creation

In the age of hyper-connectivity, no influencer is an island. Collaborative content creation has emerged as a powerful strategy, enabling influencers to tap into each other’s audiences, thereby expanding their reach and offering fresh perspectives to their followers.

For example, fitness and nutrition influencers often team up. While one provides workout routines, the other offers dietary tips. Such collaborations offer a comprehensive package to followers and increase mutual growth. Collaborations aren’t limited to similar niches; sometimes, the most unexpected pairings lead to the most engaging content.

Moreover, it’s the spirit of community in content marketing that ensures sustainability. By sharing platforms, ideas, and audiences, influencers bolster not only their growth but also the richness of content available to the audience.

8. Live Streaming and Real-time Engagement

There’s something incredibly magnetic about the word ‘LIVE’. It signals immediacy, a window into real-time events, and a chance to interact directly. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook have live features that have seen a massive uptick in use and engagement.

Live streaming removes the veneer of edits and retakes, offering an unscripted view into the influencer’s world. A popular trend seen is the ‘Q&A session‘ where influencers answer audience queries in real-time. Not only does it address the audience’s curiosity, but it also solidifies the trust and connection between the influencer and their followers.

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Case in point: A renowned beauty influencer, instead of the usual tutorial uploads, started live streaming her makeup routines, mishaps included. The transparency and spontaneity led to a dramatic increase in viewership and engagement.

9. Digital Detox and Mental Health Awareness

Digital platforms, while offering a plethora of opportunities, also come with their share of challenges. The constant need to update, engage, and be ‘relevant’ can take a toll on influencers, leading to burnout and mental health issues.

Addressing these challenges isn’t just essential for influencers but also sets a precedent for their followers. It’s imperative to communicate the significance of taking breaks, setting boundaries, and prioritizing well-being over metrics. By incorporating narratives around mental health, influencers not only destigmatize the conversation but also resonate deeply with followers who may be grappling with similar challenges.

For instance, a travel influencer, instead of back-to-back exotic location posts, took a month-long break, later sharing the rejuvenation experience and emphasizing the importance of digital detox. Such initiatives not only humanize the influencer but also foster a deeper, empathetic bond with the audience.

10. User-Generated Content (UGC) 

The content landscape is increasingly becoming democratized. It’s no longer just about what the influencer creates; it’s also about what their audience can contribute. UGC is content created by users or followers, ranging from testimonials, reviews, to creative interpretations of a brand or product.

By encouraging and showcasing UGC, influencers achieve two crucial things: They validate and appreciate their followers, making them feel seen and heard, and they also generate authentic content that often resonates deeply with the larger audience base. After all, a review or testimonial from a fellow follower often feels more relatable and trustworthy.

Brands and influencers have started creating hashtag challenges or contests, motivating followers to create and share content. Such strategies not only boost engagement and content volume but also build a sense of community and trust.


As the digital horizon expands, the landscape of content marketing for influencers is continuously evolving. It’s a dynamic mix of emerging platforms, innovative strategies, and a deeper understanding of the audience’s desires and concerns. Adapting to these trends is not merely a route to stay relevant; it’s the path to forging deeper, more meaningful connections with followers.

While the winds of change are ever-present, the core principle remains consistent: genuine connection. Whether it’s through a live stream, an in-depth article, or a collaborative project, the goal is to resonate, engage, and inspire.

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